The production of quality mums entails the application of good agricultural practices (GAP) for a sound environment, notwithstanding the economic opportunities for the small scale farmers derived from it. This underlines the importance of GAP agriculture in farm tourism. The project will strengthen the plans of the DOT for accreditation of La Trinidad, Benguet eyed as an agro-tourist site including the growing cutflower industry in Chrysanthemum production. The activities would develop and equip the farmers with the necessary skills to begin a farm tourism venture.

The project trained 96 farmers on GAP compliance for increased production of Class AA quality spray-type chrysanthemum which would translate to increased income. Forty-Six of which were assisted in the establishment of GAP compliant & climate resilient spray-type chrysanthemum community-based farm tourism. A farm harvest festival and four technology field days were also conducted that served as a venue to share the knowledge and practices in GAP compliant chrysanthemum production as well as to showcase the cutflowers they produced. An IEC material on farm tourism and a video clip as briefing material were also developed in order to further promote the production practices.