Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

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PCAARRD's Industry Strategic Science & Technology Program Information System (ISP-IS)

The ISP-IS is an online platform that supports PCAARRD’s programs for advancing science and technology in agriculture, aquatic, and natural resources (AANR). It helps organize research and development plans for each industry under AANR and make them readily available to the people.

Market Advisory

Market-related advisory services that are product of market scanning done by continually and actively monitoring the external environment in order to identify customer needs, anticipate competitive actions, and, identify technological changes which may provide new market opportunities or market disruptions. The advisories provide a variety of information, including selection of market outlets, emerging demand, technological advances, and potential business partners, among others.

SE Feed

The Socio-Economics Feed is part of SERD-PCAARRD’s environmental scanning. It is a mechanism to share with its network relevant news and updates in the socio-economics and policy space concerning the AANR sectors.
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