Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Capability Building on Tapping and Use of Appropriate Coagulant for Improved Rubber Latex Yield

The intent of this project is to help improve the yield and quality of Philippine rubber latex and address the concern raised on incorrect tapping practices through the training of at least 5.7% (570) of the identified requirement of 10,000 additional competent local tappers on proper rubber tapping. Of the 570 target beneficiaries, about 12% or 70 shall be trained as trainers. The remaining 500 shall comprise the additional competent farmer- tappers. The initial 70 trainer-tappers are expected to form the initial core of rubber- tapper trainers in the province they represent. This is envisioned to sustain the continued development and improvement of the local capability and competence of rubber tappers in their locality. For areas that will not be covered by the project, printed IEC materials on correct tapping practices and use of coagulants shall be produced and disseminated for awareness creation on the said topics.

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