Oyster Industry Profile
Oysters are considered as one of the most valuable bivalve mollusks in the Philippines. Aside from providing a decent income for shellfish farmers, oysters are known to be an excellent source of protein and minerals essential to the human diet. They are also popularly served in hotels and restaurants. The Philippines produced over 53 thousand metric tons (MT) of oysters in 2020, with its value reaching P1 billion. Bulacan is the top producer with a total of over 53 thousand MT. This is followed by Capiz and Negros Occidental with oyster production of 8 thousand MT and 1.4 thousand MT, respectively.
Oyster farming is considered traditional and conservative in the country as seeds are collected from the wild. Oyster seeds are collected during natural āspatfall,ā which occurs a few weeks after the onset of the rainy season when water salinity is reduced. Wild spats, which are oyster in larval stage, settle on oyster shells, coconut shells, bamboo, stones, empty rubber tires, and other hard materials. Oyster hatchery depends on the species to be produced, target production, geographical location and funds available. Some small hatcheries supply seedstock for their oyster culture operations, while other large hatcheries produce for their operations and retail to other growers. Spat, 2ā3 millimeters (mm) in size, are produced in hatchery and nursery facilities. Further, bigger size spat are expensive due to the need to culture more and diverse species of microalgae for feeding.
Problems in the Industry
The Philippine oyster industry has limited seed stocks and sources of broodstock as spat are gathered from the wild. Data on the quality oyster varieties for culture is also lacking. There is a need to improve broodstock management and conditioning, and hatchery production to increase the currently low meat yield of oysters.

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- Production
- Policies and Programs
- Farm Gate Price
- Retail Price
- Wholesale Price
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- Area
- Yield
Oyster Policies
Policy Type | Policy Number | Policy Year | Congress | Policy Title | Policy Description | Policy Objective | Policy Link | Commodity | Classification | info_encoder_stamp | info_date_stamp | info_quashing_remarks | filepath |
Republic Act | Republic Act No. 10860 | 2016 | 16th | An Act Establishing A Multi-Species Hatchery In The Municipality Of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Province Of Lanao Del Norte And Appropriating Funds Therefor | Section 1. There shall be established, under the supervision of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Department of Agriculture (BFAR-DA), a multi-species marine hatchery in the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Province of Lanao del Norte. Section 2. Within two (2) years after the construction of the multi-species marine hatchery, the BFAR shall, through a memorandum of agreement, transfer its management to the Provincial Government of Lanao del Norte. It shall implement a training and phasing-in program for local government personnel on the management and operation of the multi-species marine hatchery. Section 3. The Secretary of Agriculture shall include in the Department’s programs the establishment of the multi-species marine hatchery in the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Province of Lanao del Norte, the funding of which shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act. The provincial government shall set aside from any available local revenue an amount deemed appropriate for its management and operation. | The Act aims to establish a multi-species marine hatchery in the municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo in the province of Lanao del Norte. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/ra_16/RA10860.pdf | Oyster | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Oyster_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 5789 | 2015 | 16th | An Act Establishing A Multi-Species Hatchery Under The Bureau Of Fisheries And Aquatic Resources For The Breeding And Production Of Bangus, Mudcrabs, Mussels, Oysters, Prawns And Similar Species In The Municipality Of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao Del Norte, To Be Knows As The Lanao Del Norte Multi-Species Hatchery And Marine Science Center And Appropriating Funds Therefor | The project is expected to provide continuous supply of fry and fingerlings for dispersal in the communal bodies of water in the three provinces. This would make possible year-round fishing and provide the people with sufficient supply of fish catch at any given time. The establishment of the proposed hatchery and marine center will certainly be a boost to marginalized fisherfolks in the three provinces and conduct continuing studies in marine sciences. | This bill seeks to establish a multi-species hatchery in the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Province of Lanao del Norte to be known as the Lanao del Norte Multi-Species Hatchery and Marine Science Center marine science center. Its main objective is to breed and mass-produce fry and fingerlings for bangus, mudcrabs, mussels, oysters, prawns and marine species for dispersal in Panguil Bay, Iligan and Ilana Bay. The Center shall be under the supervision of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Department of Agriculture. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_16/HB05789.pdf | Oyster | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Oyster_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 5197 | 2014 | 16th | An Act Establishing Research Stations For Fish Breeding And Hatcheries For Grouper, Prawn, Lobster, Crab, Oysters And Other High-Value Marine Species In The Municipality Of Sultan Naga Dimaporo In THe Province Of Lanao Del Norte And Appropriating Funds Therefor | The Province of Lanao del Norte is blessed with rich fishing grounds in Panguil Bay and in the coastal areas of the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo facing Pagadian Bay. Fishing in these areas has been an integral part of the local economy and will continue to be so in the next generations. The waters in these areas are generally free from pollution and provide an ideal place for research and breeding activities. The approval of this measure will certainly improve the productivity of the aquaculture sector and increase its contributions to national development. Technologies developed in the envisioned research station will be replicated in appropriate areas nationwide with the end view of propagating best practices among industry players. | This bill seeks to establish a research station for fish breeding and hatcheries in the Municipality of Sultan Naga Dimaporo to propagate and develop scientific methods for the breeding of high-value marine species such as grouper, prawn, lobster, crab, oyster, and similar marine species of high commercial value. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_16/HB05197.pdf | Oyster | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Oyster_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Republic Act | Republic Act No. 9459 | 2007 | 13th | An Act To Establish An Oyster, Mussel, Crab, Prawn And Shrimp Farm In The Municipality Of Calabanga, Province Of Camarines Sur, Appropriating Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes | SEC 3. The Department of Agriculture, through the oyster, mussel, crab, prawn and shrimp farm, is hereby authorized to conduct such researches and experiments as may be necessary to improve existing technology on oyster, mussel, crab, prawn and shrimp and such other marine and aquatic animals farming and to enhance and maximize income potentials of said industry. The Department shall assist the local government to establish, in appropriate locations, their own oyster, mussel, crab, prawn and shrimp farms as pilot demonstration farms or as economic enterprises for local revenue generating purposes. SEC 4. The Secretary of Agriculture shall include in the Departmentās program the funding requirements for the establishment and operationalization of the oyster, mussel, crab, prawn and shrimp farm in the Municipality of Calabanga, Province of Camarines Sur. Thereafter, such sum as may be necessary for its continued operation and maintenance shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act. | This aims to establish an oyster, mussel, crab, prawn and shrimp farm in the Municipality of Calabanga, Province of Camarines Sur, which shall be udner the supervision and control of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Department of Agriculture. | https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/2007/05/15/republic-act-no-9459/ | Oyster | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Oyster_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Proclamation | Proclamation No. 541, s. 1969 | 1969 | Null | Reserving For Demonstration Fish Farm, Bangus Fry Nursery, Shrimp Culture Laboratory And Oyster Farm Purposes Certain Parcels Of Land Of The Public Domain Situated In The Municipality Of Virac, province Of Catanduanes | The land herein reserved shall be subject to the provisions of Republic Act No. 2056 and Executive Order No. 113, series of 1955 and to the conditions that a 40-meter wide strip of land along the bank of the Sto. Domingo River shall be demarcated and preserved as permanent timberland for bank protection purposes pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act 1273 and as adequate waterway during flood stages and working space for the maintenance and improvement of the river channel for flood control and drainage purposes. | This aims to reserve for demonstration fish farm, bangus fry nursery, shrimp culture laboratory and oyster farm purposes, subject to private rights, if any there be certain parcels of land of the public domain in the municipality of Virac, province of Catanduanes. | https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1969/03/25/proclamation-no-541-s-1969/ | Oyster | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Oyster_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx |
Data Source: Philippine Statistics Authority update as of May 30, 2024
- Volume of production of oyster in metric tons
- Value of Production of oyster in thousand pesos
ISP for Oyster
The ISP on Oyster improves the local production and ensures safe and quality harvest through sustainable and environment-friendly culture technologies,Ā refined raft and longline culture, and pouch and tray methods. Farmers can now produce oysters weighing 75-90 grams within 7 months compared to the traditional method of 8 to 10 months. The identified growing areas for oysters in Capiz and Aklan through the R&D (where relaying sites are established) produce raw oysters safe for human consumption. Specifically, the Oyster ISP aims to:
- Increase meat yield from 14% to 35%
- Increase survival rate from 80-85% to 96-99% survival rate of farmed oyster
- 50-80% increase in Philippine Oyster Production for domestic and export markets through the adopted refined culture technologies and established hatchery production
Strategic R&D
Strategic R&D is DOST-PCAARRDās banner program comprising all R&D activities that are intended to
generate outputs geared towards maximum economic and social benefits
Hatchery Production of Single Spats Slipper-shaped Oyster
The manual āHatchery Production of Single Spats Slipper-shaped Oyster Crassostrea iredaleiā is one of the major outputs of the National...
Read MoreGenetic structure of slipper shaped oyster
Studies on genetic structure of populations and its morphological association are important to advance oyster farming. This study was focused...
Read MoreEstablishment of Sanitary Quality of Oysters and Their Culture Condition
Ideal growing areas for oysters were identified, where relaying sites were established, which could be able to reduce E. coli...
Read MoreSite Characterization and Implementation of Innovative Sustainable Oyster Systems
The SCI2SOS project funded under the CRADLE Program of DOST aims to establish oyster mariculture areas through sustainable means and...
Read MoreTechnologies
Products, equipment, and protocols or process innovations developed to improve productivity, efficiency,
quality, and profitability in the agriculture and aquatic industries, and to achieve sustainable
utilization and management of natural resources
Refined raft and longline culture method
SEAFDEC, UPV, and Samar State University (SSU), in collaboration with DOST-PCAARRD, improves local production and produce safe and quality oyster harvest.Ā With the refined raft and longline culture method, the...
Read MorePouch and tray methods
Tray Pouch The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC), University of the Philippines Visayas (UPV), and SSU in collaboration with DOST-PCAARRD, improves local production and ensures safe and quality oyster...
Read MoreTechnology Transfer Initiatives
Technology transfer initiatives ensure that the outputs of R&D and innovations are transformed
into viable and applicable technologies that help intended users
PET Bottle
The PET bottles we used to collect spat are now being used in Palawan and Capiz, pouches were used by Prof. Capinpin in Pangasinan
Read MoreCapacity Building
Capacity building efforts of DOST-PCAARRD seek to develop and enhance the R&D capabilities of researchers
and academic or research institutions through graduate assistantships & non-degree trainings
and development and/or upgrading of research facilities
Policy Research & Advocacy
Analysis of policy concerns and advocacy of science-informed policies ensures that the AANR policy environment is conducive for S&T development
and investments

Competitiveness of Philippine Oyster Industry under the ASEAN Economic Community
Oyster production in the Philippines was found to be competitive in both export trade and import substitution scenarios. The Philippinesā oysters are competitive with oysters produced in other countries and exporting them can boost foreign exchange in the country. Further, the production cost of oysters locally is cheaper compared to the production cost of imported oysters.
Andal, E. G., LapiƱa, G. F., Manalo, N. Q., Dorado, R. A. Valientes, R. M., & Cruz, M. B. (2017). ASEAN Economic Community: Opportunities and Challenges for the Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry Sectors. Los BaƱos, Laguna, Philippines: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development – (Project Report)
Scientists/researchers behind the R&D efforts, scientific knowledge generated and technologies developed under DOST-PCAARRD funded programs/projects
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Aquaculture Department (SEAFDEC-AQD)
- Ā Ā Dr. Rolando R. Pakingking, Jr.
- Ā Ā Dr. Ma. Junemie Hazel Lebata-Ramos
- Ā Ā Ms. Jocelyn M. Ladja
University of the Philippines Visayas
- Ā Ā Dr. Philip Ian P. Padilla
- Ā Ā Dr. Jose P. Peralta
- Ā Ā Ms. Ernestina Peralta
Samar State University
- Ā Ā Dr. Ricardo T. Severo
University of the Philippines Diliman
- Ā Ā Dr. Deo Florence L. Onda
- Ā Ā Mr. Exequiel Gabrial S. Dizon
- DA-Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources-National Brackishwater Fisheries Technology Center (DA-BFAR-NBFTC)
- Agricultural Sustainability Initiatives for the Nature (ASIN)
- Tambuyog Development Center (TDC)