The development of Carrageenan Plant Growth Promoter (CPGP) is funded by PCAARRD. CPGP has been proven to increase rice yields by 15 to 30 percent based on multi-location trials in 7 regions in the Philippines also making the crops more resistant to blight and infestation such as the tungro virus. Carrageenan also helps in strengthening the rice crops’ extensive root systems, which can better withstand the effects of lodging during typhoons.
1. Promotes extensive root growth, increased number of tillers, and development of sturdy stems contributing to lodging tolerance against typhoons
2. Induces resistance against tungro and bacterial leaf blight in rice under field conditions
3. Contributes to increased rice yields of about 15 % to 30% based on multi-location trials in seven (7) regions in the Philippines
1. Reduced potential losses from water logging and wind damage due to typhoon
2. Increased farmerās income by increasing the yield and reducing the costs on fertilizer
3. Application of 3 bags fertilizer (NPK) + 9 L CPGP gives 39.56% higher yield vs 9 bags NPK/ha alone
4. Distributed to and capacitated 10,000 farmer beneficiaries in seven (7) regions on integrated pest management and CPGP technology