Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

CSU IP-TBM Phase II: Patent Mining for Cacao through Enhanced IP-TBM

The project aims to enhance and sustain the operations of the Intellectual Property and Technology Business Development Office (IP-TBM) at the Caraga State University (CSU).

The project involves the following:

  1. Capacitation of the IP-TBM personnel of CSU in patent landscaping and mining;
  2. Enhancement and harmonization of IP management and technology promotion and transfer activities of CSU;
  3. Strengthening of linkages with industry and community stakeholders to enhance activities on intellectual property management and technology commercialization.
  4. Discovery of emerging cacao technological trends and recommend priority R&D programs; 
  5. Assistance to R&D institutions, funding agencies and researchers in the technology evaluation and assessment, and the development of the Patent Landscape Reports (PLR) to support decisions on the levels of future R&D funding; and
  6. Support the development of the IP-TBM Real-time monitoring system (RTMS).

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