The sweetpotato industry in Central Luzon, Bicol, and the Visayas is expected to be further boosted through a project led by the PhilRootcrops of the Visayas State University (VSU) titled, āEnhancing the Development of Sweetpotato Food Value Chains in Central Luzon, Albay, Leyte, and Samar, and Linkaging with Related Industries Phase 2ā. The project aims to address gaps and inadequacies in the value chain; determine factors affecting market consumption, and identify attributes of sweetpotato varieties preferred by consumers. Some other goals of this project are to address gaps and inadequacies of the sweetpotato value chain, strengthen the capability and skills of partners and facilitators, facilitate Business Development Services (BDS), and upgrade and pilot-test the vacuum fryer developed in Phase I. A more systematic market linking and development will be done in Phase 2 to improve the initial market understanding during the Farm Business School (FBS) implementation. Further, the project seeks to establish a platform of collaboration in respective influence areas to improve the likelihood of sustainability of the businesses.