Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Improvement of Garlic and Other Agri-Food Condiments Productivity through Integrated Crop Management (ICM) System

The increase in temperature and occurrence of rain showers during the garlic growing season favor pest incidence, which causes a substantial decrease in yield and bulb quality. Hence, the project titled, “Improvement of Garlic and Other Agri-Food Condiments Productivity through Integrated Crop Management (ICM) System” aimed to improve garlic productivity through the development of an integrated crop management (ICM) system.

The proposed ICM involves the use of farming systems and technologies that are adaptive to adverse effects of climate change.Ā  Two of the project objectives particularly touch on climate change mitigation/adaptation: 1) formulation of adaptable ecological-based pest management strategies (EBPM) and 2) development of a decision support system for disease management of garlic.

The development of ICM for garlic is expected to aid in addressing the declining local garlic productivity. By addressing the concern on climate variability, among many other factors, the project aims to reduce the losses brought about by pest incidence. The EBPM strategy is likewise expected to benefit the environment.

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