Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Pinoy S&T Services for Farmers and Entrepreneurs Program (PSF): S&T Community-Based Farm (STCBF) on Improved Integrated Crop Management Practices (IICMP)

This project is a technology transfer initiative to showcase the technology convergence of the latest S&T practices for cacao rehabilitation in Davao Oriental. It also integrates a component of emergency readiness in case of droughts and a component of emergency action due to pests and diseases. The project will be implemented in Brgy. Mayo, City of Mati, DAvao Oriental. This project generally aims to Rehabilitate the old and unproductive cacao farms of some selected ARBs and upscale their productivity through STCBF that will showcase the Improved Integrated Crop Management Practices (IICMP) in rehabilitating old cacao plantations.

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