Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Research for Development – Payment for Ecosystem Services Outcome for Sustainable Water Provision (R4D:PESO SWaP) in Barobbob Watershed, Nueva Vizcaya

Implementing payment for ecosystem services (PES) mechanism as an approach towards sustainability is a relatively novel approach in environmental conservation. PES mechanisms create a market for ecosystem services by making users/beneficiaries pay for the services while compensating conservation activities of service providers. These compensations are often based on the estimate of the providerā€™s foregone income from foregoing extractive uses (Nabangchang, 2014). PES ensures improvements in the ES through sustaining market-driven incentives for conservation.

While the mechanism has already been implemented in several areas in the country, this action research is needed to design a PES-mechanism tailor-fit to the needs of the Barobbob watershed stakeholders to be successful. This study consciously integrates the science, economics, and institutions, and governance aspects of PES while continuously engaging and capacitating stakeholders.Ā 

The results of this study are envisioned to provide inputs to a national policy on PES. A national policy may stimulate the establishment of PES mechanisms across the country, boosting efforts for sustainability. 

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