SOCCSKSARGEN, Cotabato is one of the top cup lump-producing provinces with a production of 173,110.31bmt in 2014 (PSA, 2014). Around 54,508.8 hectares are planted to rubber, which is recommended by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources as a better species for reforestation, not to mention its high agricultural value. Of which, 33,942 hectares. are tapped with an average production of 324.6 kg/ha/mo. and 20,566 hectares are still non-tappable. Still, the smallholders are the primary producers. It is estimated that a farmer owns an average of 3-10 has. of rubber farm. Based on PCAARRDās Rubber ISP, this project emphasizes the production of quality planting materials through wide-use and promotion of current high yielding rubber clones and showcases of improved nursery management practices through STCBF technology transfer modality. Thus, to help achieve these goals, the first project component will focus on budwood garden establishment and nursery management for High Yielding Rubber Clones (HYRC), and then promote these HYRCs to farmers expanding their farms. To further encourage farmers, the second Package of Technology (POT) will intercrop rubber separately with high-value crops. Other interventions include capacity building on the respective technologies, annual Technology or Farmersā Field Day, IEC & ICT development and translation, stakeholder linkaging, and policy development & recommendation.