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- Policies and Programs
Seaweed Policies
Policy Type | Policy Number | Policy Year | Congress | Policy Title | Policy Description | Policy Objective | Policy Link | Commodity | Classification | info_encoder_stamp | info_date_stamp | info_quashing_remarks | filepath |
Bill | House Bill No. 4010 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Creating The Philippine Seaweed Development Authority And Defining Its Objectives, Powers And Functions | Along with milkfish and tilapia, seaweed is recognized as an essential aquaculture resource in the country. Unlike other agriculture commodities, seaweed does not require any fertilizer or chemical applications to grow, making it suitable for small-scale aquaculture activities. Despite this advantage, only four to five species out of 1,067 identified species were commercially farmed in the country. Moreover, the Philippines has always been a major exporter of seaweed products. In fact, we were recognized as one of the worldās top producers of seaweed as listed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. We also export both raw (fresh or dried) and processed forms of seaweed in China, US, France, South Korea, and Belgium, among others. On top of these, seaweed farming also became a viable alternative source of livelihood for our fisherfolks. However, seaweed farmers continue to experience losses due to extreme weather conditions and lack of resistance to diseases. For example, seaweed farmers from Central Visayas have encountered the attack of ice-ice disease that has caused deterioration of their plants that significantly decreased their yield and income.3 With the global market potential and demand for the seaweed industry, it is indeed imperative for the State to maximize this opportunity to develop seaweed farming, create livelihood, and increase our export revenues. The State must also invest in research to apply cost-effective farming methods for the benefit of farmers and their families in coastal communities. Lastly, an efficient administration and leadership to holistically address the concerns of the industry must also be established to maximize its market potential. | This bill proposes the creation of the Philippine Seaweed Development Authority (PSDA). PSDA shall be tasked to formulate and adopt a Seaweed Industry Development Master Plan which aims to promote rapid and integrated growth and development of the seaweed industry in all of its aspects, while ensuring the provision of necessary support services and extension projects to our seaweed farmers and their families. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB04010.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 9632 | 2021 | 18th | An Act Providing For The Construction Of Solar Pavement Dryers For Seaweeds, Fish, Squid, Shrimp And Other Marine Products In All Suitable Municipalities In The Province Of Davao Del Sur And Appropriating Funds Therefor | The Philippine Statistics Authority Fisheries Situationer Report for the first quarter of 2019 stated that the Province of Davao Del Sur has shown substantial contribution in the production of aquaculture at 68.51 percent of the recorded total of 7,956.33 metric tons. However, the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has greatly affected key activities in the fisheries or aquaculture supply chain, disrupted by impacts arising from Covid-19 and other related government measures. Seaweeds, fish, squid, shrimp and other marine products are highly perishable produce, and such disruptions in the transportation and distribution supply chain due to the pandemic have gravely affected the economic situation of fisherfolks and the food security of the citizenry. The aquaculture production sector is extremely diverse, both freshwater and marine, but it nevertheless relies heavily on labor, inputs, financing and markets, which have been and will continue to be impacted during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. To protect the aquaculture producers in the Province of Davao Del Sur from losses and help modernize post-harvest processes, this representation proposes the construction of solar pavement dryers for seaweeds, fish, squid, shrimp and other marine products in all suitable municipalities in the Province. Solar assisted drying is one of the most promising post handling process of agricultural produce as it can improve the quality and extend the shelf life of these products, improve the bargaining position of the fisherfolks, reduces post-harvest losses, and lower transportation costs. | This bill proposes the construction of solar pavement dryers for seaweeds, fish squid, shrimp and other marine products in all suitable municipalities in the province of Davao del Sur to protect the aquaculture producers from losses and help modernize post-harvest processes. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_18/HB09632.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Order | Fisheries General Memorandum Order No. 2020-004 | 2020 | Null | Implementing Guidelines On The Cooperative-Managed Nursery Business Enterprise Under Stimulus Package (Bayanihan II) | Section 1. Policy. Under the Fisheries Office Order No. 151 series of 2018, the Regional Offices are mandated to operate at least two nurseries “to assure the ready supply of seedlings for distribution to target seaweed farmer individuals and cooperative/association in accordance to certain criteria. The Cooperative-Managed Seaweeds Nursery Business Enterprise is in line with the Republic Acy Number 11321, otherwise known as the Sagip Saka Act, establishes the “Farmers and Fisherfolk Enterprise Development Program”, which refers to “the comprehensive set of objectives, targets, and holistic approach in promoting the establishment of enterprises involving agricultural and fishery products”. Under this innovation, BFAR will outsource the operation of seaweeds nurseries to partner cooperatives who will manage the nursery as a business enterprise. The propagules produced in the nursery will be sold to farmers based on prevailing prices at time of sale. Fisheries Office Order (FOO) No. 151. Amending FOO No. 12 series of 2013 “Implementing Guidelines on the Establishment of Seaweed (Kappaphycus/Eucheuma) Nurseries, Conduct of Test Plots and Distribution of Seedlings and Farm Implements Undertake “MAS MASAGANANG SAKAHAN PANDAGAT – SEAWEED LIVELIHOOD DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2017-2022” states that, The Cooperatives/Associations who availed of the farm implements, should repay (roll over scheme) the cost of the seedlings to BFAR. The fund shall then to be flowed back to other seaweed farmers within the vicinity. | This order aims to provide implementing agency and project partners/beneficiaries the guidelines in the establishment, operation and maintenance of cooperative-managed multi-seaweed industries. | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | ||
Order | Fisheries General Memorandum Order No. 2020-003 | 2020 | Null | Implementing Guidelines On The Cooperative-Managed Multi-Purpose Seaweeds Solar Dryer Facility Under Stimulus Package (Bayanihan II) | Section 1. Policy – The provision of Solar Dryer/Storage Facility to viable seaweed farmer cooperatives is line with Section 3 of Republic Act No. 11321, otherwise known as “Sagip Saka Act” which establishes the Farmers and Fisherfolks Enterprise Development Program, that refers to the comprehensive set of objectives, targets, and holistic approach in promoting the establishment of enterprises involving agricultural and fishery products. Corollary, Section 4 (c) of the same law states that the said program shall cover the area of construction, acquisition, and repair of facilities for production, processing, storage, transportation, communication, marketing and such facilities in support of agriculture and fisheries. | This order aims to provide implementing agency and project partners/beneficiaries the guidelines in the establishment, operation and maintenance of cooperative-managed multi-purpose seaweed solar dryer facility. | https://www.bfar.da.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FGMO-2020-003.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 419 | 2019 | 17th | An Act Creating The Philippine Seaweed Development Authority And Defining Its Objectives, Powers And Functions | Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy – It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to promote the rapid, integrated development, and growth of the seaweed industry in all its aspects and to ensure that the seaweed farmers become direct participants, in and beneficiaries of, such development and growth. Pursuant to this policy, the State shall ensure the development of the seaweed industry in accordance with the following principles: a. Protection from Unfair Competition – The State shall protect small farmers from unfair competition such as monopolistic and oligopolistic practices by promoting a policy environment that provides them priority access to credit and strengthened cooperative-based marketing system. Any joint venture with foreign investor shall be consistent with the constitutional provision that at least sixty per centum of the investment shall be owned by Filipinos. b. Global Competitiveness – The State shall enhance the competitiveness of the seaweed industry sector in both domestic and foreign markets. c. Sustainable Development – The State shall promote development that is compatible with the conservation of the ecosystems in areas where seaweed production activities are carried out. Judicious use of the country’s natural resources shall be exercised in order to attain long-term sustainability. d. Poverty Alleviation and Social Equity – The State shall ensure that the poor sectors of society have equitable access to resources, income opportunities, basic and support services and infrastructure, especially in areas where productivity is low, as a means of improving their quality of life. e. rational Use of Resources – The State shall adopt a rational approach in the allocation of public investments in the seaweed industry in order to ensure sufficiency and effectiveness in the use of scarce resources and thus obtain optimal returns on its investments. f. People Empowerment – The State shall promote people empowerment by enabling all citizens through direct participation or through their duly elected, chosen or designated representatives, the opportunity to participate inpolicyy formulation and decision-making by establishing the appropriate mechanisms and by giving them access to information | This bill aims to create the Philippines Seaweed Development Authority that will coordinate the promotion, development and growth of the seaweed industry. Through the said authority, research and development devoted to improve the quality of seaweed especially in the face of climate and environmental changes shall be institutionalized. Such will make the industry more globally competitive while maintaining sustainable growth. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/2385620567!.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Order | Fisheries Administrative Order No. 250-1 | 2015 | Null | Granting A Grace Period Of Eight (8) Calendar Months To Seaweed Traders/Exporters To Transport And Export Their Remaining Dried Sargassum Stocks Inspected And Audited By BFAR | Section 1. “Scope” The above subject shall apply ONLY to seaweed traders/exporters with raw dried sargassum inspected and audited by BFAR listed below not to exceed more than 1000MT subject to final validation of the National Coordinating Unit-Seaweed Development Program (NCU-SDP) and Regional Seaweed Coordinator (RSC-SDP). Section 2. “Monitoring. Documentation and Enforcement” The Regional Seaweed Coordinators (RSC) shall closely coordinate with the seaweed traders to ensure that all transported and exported raw dried sargassum are properly monitored and documented. The BFAR Regional Office through its Fishery Regulatory Officers in coordination with the RSC shall work closely to ensure that a corresponding auxiliary invoice/or permit to transport shall he required/issued indicating the volume of shipment, port of destination and other relevant data. A regular inventory report shall be submitted by the RSC to the Regional Director copy furnished the NCU-SDP indicating the volume of shipment and the remaining/running balance for every shipment made. The NCU-SDP is tasked directly to ensure and monitor along with the regional regulatory office and its law enforcement group for the smooth implementation and timely enforcement of this FAO. | This order aims to grant a grace period of eight calendar months to seaweed traders/exporters to transport and export their remaining raw dried sargassum stocks inspected and audited by BFAR. | https://www.bfar.da.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/FAO-250-1-series-of-2015.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 692 | 2013 | 16th | An Act Creating The Philippine Seaweed Development Authority And Defining Its Objectives, Powers And Functions | Seaweed industry in the Philippines has great market potential. In 2010 alone, the Philippines produced 84,500MT, which is70% of the total world’s supply. However, such rich industry has not been fully developed and utilized. Currently, only 23% of the potential seaweed farm is operational. Moreover, in 2008, Indonesia had replaced the Philippines as the top seaweed producer in the world. Through this proposal, the Philippine seaweed industry can reach its full potential by being a major producer in the world market. This will bring greater income for the country, more work for seaweed farmers and better economy . | The bill aims to create a seaweed development authority that is responsible for the promotion, development and growth of the seaweed industry. Through the said authority, seaweed research and development ‘devoted to improve the quality of seaweed especially in the face of climate and environmental changes shall be institutionalized. Such will make the industry more globally competitive while maintaining sustainable growth. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lis/bill_res.aspx?congress=16&q=SBN-692 | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 3004 | 2011 | 15th | An Act To Proactively Promote The Seaweed Industry In The Country by Establishing Seaweed Processing Plants, Nurseries And Post-Harvest Facilities In strategic Sites In The Country, Appropriating Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes | At present, the Philippines is one of the top producers of seaweeds in the world, specifically the red seaweeds – next to China and Japan. Seaweeds are exported either in raw forms (fresh or dried seaweeds) or processed forms (semi-refined chips/carageenan and refined carageenan). The major importing countries of seaweeds and its natural products are France, Korea, China, USA and Hong Kong. About 41,267 metric tons valued at 3.54 billion pesos is being exported to France, Korea, China, USA and Hong Kong annually. The Philippines is considered as the world’s leading supplier of Eucheuma comprising about 80% of the world’s supply. The seaweed industry manifest a remarkable performance in the international market. Annually, the Philippines exports a total of US$ 95.653 million worth of seaweeds in all forms. Zamboanga City contributes an average rate of 21 % to the total Philippine seaweeds export over the last 4 years. Mindanao accounts for 71 % of the seaweeds production of the entire Philippines. It is estimated that some 100,000 families are engaged in seaweeds farming and about 72% of these families are located in Mindanao, particularly in the ARMM provinces and the Zamboanga Peninsula. Moreover, Zamboanga City has more than 2,000 hectares devoted to the seaweeds farming providing livelihood to more than 3,000 families. At present, there are three processing plants in Zamboanga City producing semi-refine carrageenan and alkali treated chips. | This bill seeks to provide strategic interventions such as the establishment of additional seaweed nurseries, promotion of seaweed health management, provision of post-harvest facilities and establishment of a pilot semi-processing plant in order to promote the seaweed industry in the country. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/1236110362!.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 256 | 2004 | 13th | An Act To Protect, Conserve And Rehabilitate The Seaweeds And Seashells Resources In Any Form And For Other Purposes | Seaweeds and seashells are two of the important coastal resources which serve as food and shelter of fish and other marine organisms. The depletion of our seafood resources affects our fishery production. In addition, the collection and export of fresh seaweed seedlings and live seashells result in the loss of genetic materials needed to replenish depleted areas of the country. The loss of our natural stock would also prevent our local scientists from determining other important uses of the seaweeds and seashells. Many species of mollusks (shells) have already been over-harvested, and it is imperative to preserve what is left. Seaweed and seashell farming have also become the alternative source of income of the people in the rural areas. It is noteworthy to mention that one of its key contributions to the community is the apparent reduction in the use of blast and cyanide fishing, and the relative peace and order situation in these areas. As the industries of seaweed and seashell grow and expand, so are the number of farmers and families involved in seaweed and seashell farming, and the direct employment that will be generated. Allied and support (both backward and forward linkages) industries such as shipping, hauling, trucking, and plastic manufacturers shall also correspondingly increase. | This bill aims to protect and promote the rehabilitation and conservation of aquatic resources particularly seaweeds and seashells and regulate the exploitation and utilization. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/1415675!.pdf | Seaweed | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Seaweed_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx |