Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

S&T Based Farm on the Use of Trichoderma Microbial Inoculant (TMI) for Increased Survival and Early Establishment of Tree Crops in Cacao-Coffee Agroforestry System for the Aytas

This project is only a small part of the on-going agroforestry program of CBMSF. This program presents a long-term livelihood option for the Kanawan Aytas that aims to guarantee protection and conservation of their remaining forest and rehabilitation of the denuded areas within the reservation area of the tribe. The approach of the Foundation is participatory and holistic such that the tribe will be empowered and become self-reliant. This project will provide technical assistance through Trichoderma microbial inoculant (TMI) to ensure higher survival and early establishment of tree crops and reforestation species involved in the agroforestry system. The success of this proposed project will enhance the agroforestry program through a shorter gestation period of the tree crops or early harvest of fruits of coffee and cacao.

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