Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Training on Rubber Production and Latex Harvesting for Improved Philippine Rubber

The training aims to introduce the basics in nursery and budwood garden establishments, plantation establishment and management; harvesting; and latex coagulation. This is designed for prospective rubber tappers/farmers, rubber farm owners with no formal training on rubber production, extension workers, enthusiasts, members of the academe, R&D institutions, LGUs, and other interested individuals who are interested to learn the S&T-based rubber production.

The main resource person for the training is Dr. Angelito A. Aballe, a member of the technical expert panel on Rubber NC II of TESDA. The training was coordinated and hosted by Ms. Margie Brendia Dizon, OIC of the Training and Manpower Development Services Section (TMDSS) of DOST-FPRDI. She was assisted by For. Jeriel Payuan and For. Christian Amante also from TMDSS of DOST-FPRDI. 

A total of 29 participants from 19 agencies/offices such as State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Rubber Cooperatives, Rubber Plant Nurseries, Department of Agriculture (DA), Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (DENR-ERDB), Bureau of Plant Industry, Philippine Rubber Testing Center – USM and Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI) attended the training. 

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