Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

capacity building

Training on Rubber Production and Latex Harvesting for Improved Philippine Rubber

The training aims to introduce the basics in nursery and budwood garden establishments, plantation establishment and management; harvesting; and latex coagulation. This is designed for prospective rubber tappers/farmers, rubber farm owners with no formal training on rubber production, extension workers, enthusiasts, members of the academe, R&D institutions, LGUs, and other interested individuals who are interested …

Training on Rubber Production and Latex Harvesting for Improved Philippine Rubber Read More »

Rubber Production and Latex Harvesting for Improved Yield and Quality Philippine Rubber: Module 1-Establishment of Rubber Nursery and Budwood Garden

The training aims to guide would-be rubber growers/farmers/producers/trainers on how to improve the production of rubber from nursery to plantation to latex harvesting and primary processing and inform the trainees on the various industrial uses of rubber. The learning strategy that was used during the online training is synchronous. It is a real-time interaction among …

Rubber Production and Latex Harvesting for Improved Yield and Quality Philippine Rubber: Module 1-Establishment of Rubber Nursery and Budwood Garden Read More »

Capability Building on Tapping and Use of Appropriate Coagulant for Improved Rubber Latex Yield

The intent of this project is to help improve the yield and quality of Philippine rubber latex and address the concern raised on incorrect tapping practices through the training of at least 5.7% (570) of the identified requirement of 10,000 additional competent local tappers on proper rubber tapping. Of the 570 target beneficiaries, about 12% …

Capability Building on Tapping and Use of Appropriate Coagulant for Improved Rubber Latex Yield Read More »