Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Clarizel Joy Jamille Gomez - SERD

Philippine Chicken Industry Update: Market Trends, Projected Shortages, Rising Imports, Price Surges, and DOST-PCAARRD Innovations for Stability

Explore the dynamics behind the current status of the countryā€™s chicken industry, including market trends, projected shortages, import impacts, and DOST-PCAARRD’s initiatives to stabilize and enhance the Philippine poultry sector. Supply and Price Trends in the Poultry Sector for Q1 of 2024 The latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) showed a 7.67% increase …

Philippine Chicken Industry Update: Market Trends, Projected Shortages, Rising Imports, Price Surges, and DOST-PCAARRD Innovations for Stability Read More »

Tomato Price Surge and Market Dynamics: Assessing Supply, Price Fluctuations, and Strategies for Stability and International Expansion

Discover the reason for the sudden surge in tomato prices, analyzing supply dynamics, stability strategies, and Philippine agricultural efforts toward international expansion. Image Source: Philippine Star Latest Trends in Supply and Prices of Tomato in Q1 2024 On June 31, 2024, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) released its latest data on the volume of tomatoes …

Tomato Price Surge and Market Dynamics: Assessing Supply, Price Fluctuations, and Strategies for Stability and International Expansion Read More »

Challenges and Shifts in Philippines’ Livestock Industry: Production, Imports, Price Trends, and Q Fever Risk

Explore the latest updates on the Philippines’ livestock industry: production shifts, increased meat imports, price trends, and the emerging Q fever risk affecting health and market dynamics. Image Source: Philippine Star Declining Local Production The Philippine Statistics Authority’s (PSA) latest data on the countryā€™s livestock production reported a slight movement for the first quarters (Q1) …

Challenges and Shifts in Philippines’ Livestock Industry: Production, Imports, Price Trends, and Q Fever Risk Read More »

Philippine Fisheries Dynamics: Market Shifts, Aquaculture Update, Sovereignty Concerns, Solar Projects, and Project LEAD

Explore Philippine fisheries’ evolving landscape, influenced by market shifts, aquaculture growth, sovereignty issues amid escalating tensions over the West Philippine Sea,, floating solar project, and the Project LEAD of DOST-PCAARRD. An increase in Fish Unloaded in Ports Drives Down Retail Prices According to the latest data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), the average retail …

Philippine Fisheries Dynamics: Market Shifts, Aquaculture Update, Sovereignty Concerns, Solar Projects, and Project LEAD Read More »

Philippine Rice Updates: Increased Farmgate Price, Tariff Cuts, NFA Procurement, Terrace Revival, Rice Root System Enhancement, and Biogas Innovation

Discover key updates in the Philippine rice sector: increase in farmgate price, tariff cuts for lower prices, active NFA rice procurement efforts, the revival of historic terraces, enhancement of rice root systems, and innovative biogas solutions. Image Source: Inquirer Increased Farmgate Price of Unmilled Rice On June 14, 2024, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported …

Philippine Rice Updates: Increased Farmgate Price, Tariff Cuts, NFA Procurement, Terrace Revival, Rice Root System Enhancement, and Biogas Innovation Read More »

The Ginger Dilemma: Balancing Supply, Demand, and Fair Prices

Discover the dynamic ginger market, experiencing price drops in Nueva Vizcaya but spikes in Metro Manila. Uncover factors, government actions, and impacts on farmers and consumers. Image Source: Business World Decrease in Farmgate Price of Ginger On June 6, 2024, Samahang Industriya ng Agrikultura (SINAG) Executive Director Jayson Cainglet relayed to Business World that many …

The Ginger Dilemma: Balancing Supply, Demand, and Fair Prices Read More »

Typhoon Aghon: Impact and Response in the Agriculture Market

Typhoon Aghon Impact: Agricultural Advisories, Damages, Market Price Increases, and Government Response Image Source: PAGASA Typhoon Aghon On May 24, 2024, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) reported a low-pressure area east of Surigao del Sur, which turned into Tropical Depression Aghon that initially placed four areas under Signal No. 1, including …

Typhoon Aghon: Impact and Response in the Agriculture Market Read More »

Onion Production Surge: Market Impact, Importation Ban, and Support Initiatives for Farmers in the Philippines

Exploring Onion Production Surge: Implications on Prices, Import Ban Extension, and Farmer Support Initiatives Image Source: The Philippine Star Anticipated Increase of Onion Output in Q2 On May 20, 2024, the Department of Agriculture (DA) reported their forecast that the countryā€™s onion production would increase this second quarter (Q2) of 2024, anticipating a 105.28% growth …

Onion Production Surge: Market Impact, Importation Ban, and Support Initiatives for Farmers in the Philippines Read More »

The Philippine Sugar Industry Amid El NiƱo: Production Exceeding Projection, Market Dynamics, Import Demands, Export Opportunity, and Raised Health Concerns on ā€œMagicā€ Sugar

Exploring the sugar industry’s resilience amid El NiƱo: Production surpasses projections, price trends, call for imports, export opportunity, and health concerns. Image Source: Rappler Sugar Output Exceeding Projection Amid El NiƱo On May 12, 2024, the Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) disclosed that they initially projected sugar production to increase by 2.78% equivalent to 1.85 million …

The Philippine Sugar Industry Amid El NiƱo: Production Exceeding Projection, Market Dynamics, Import Demands, Export Opportunity, and Raised Health Concerns on ā€œMagicā€ Sugar Read More »

Livestock Output Optimism and Stable Retail Prices Amid Feed Shortages: Strategies, Challenges, and Vaccine Updates

This article discusses the optimistic outlook for livestock output and stable retail prices despite feed shortages, highlighting strategies, challenges, and updates on the African Swine Fever vaccine rollout. Expected Livestock Output and Issue on Production of FeedsĀ  On May 7, 2024, Agriculture Undersecretary Deogracias Victor B. Savellano expressed his optimism regarding an anticipated rise in …

Livestock Output Optimism and Stable Retail Prices Amid Feed Shortages: Strategies, Challenges, and Vaccine Updates Read More »