Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform


Bamboo propagation via branch cuttings

To develop technologies that could enhance the propagation and plantation management, DOST-PCAARRD partnered with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and state universities and colleges. Among these technologies is the propagation via branch cutting from three to four-year-old bamboo culms and one-node culm cuttings. Another technology is the clump management and suitable cultural …

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Addressing Policy Constraints and Information Needs

In 2017, a PCAARRD-funded project, “Creating an Enabling Environment for a Vibrant Philippine Bamboo Industry: Addressing Policy Constraints and Information Needs, ā€œ was implemented by the University of the Philippines Los BaƱos (UPLB) under the leadership of Dr. Ramon A. Razal. This policy research aimed to generate science-based evidence supporting a policy environment more favorable …

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Lapnis face shields and Bamboo-Abaca dispenser

As the country adapts to the ā€œnew normal,ā€ more face shields, hands-free dispensers, and foot baths will be required. Other than plastic and metal, there are a lot of locally-available and renewable raw materials that can be utilized.  The Forest Products Research and Development Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-FPRDI) used lapnis …

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Strategies for Propagule and Shoot Production of Three Bamboo Species

To develop strategies and establish baseline information for propagules and bamboo shoot production, best practices in bamboo propagule propagation and production that increase survival rate and shelf life were established by the Pampanga State Agricultural University (PSAU) through the project titled, ā€œDevelopment of Strategies for Propagule and Shoot Production of Three Bamboo Species.ā€ This project …

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Changing Patterns: Implications for Agricultural Policies and Innovation

Government and private sector initiatives for the growth of the mango industry, such as developing policies, strengthening R&D efforts, and introducing S&Ts, have been implemented. However, a comprehensive and sustainable plan of action can enhance these initiatives. The project titled ā€œChanging Patterns in social, demographic and economic condition of farmers in plantation crops production systems: …

Changing Patterns: Implications for Agricultural Policies and Innovation Read More »

Protein-based detection kit

A previous study developed a protein-based detection kit for identifying true-to-type Philippine ā€œCarabaoā€ mango using antiserum generated from protein markers. This kit was able to discriminate the carabao varieties from the non-carabao types. However, before this technology is brought to the users, this dipstick should be validated. This proposed project will pilot test and validate …

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Farmers and Industry Encounters through S&T Agenda

The ā€œFIESTAā€ or Farmers and Industry Encounters through Science and Technology Agenda aims to provide an avenue for the promotion and dissemination, adoption, or commercialization of technologies developed by the member institutions. Farmers, PMAs, partner NGOs, private sector partners, entrepreneurs, students, technologists, researchers, media practitioners, and other stakeholders are gathered in events held in Roxas …

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Molecular markers for scab and stem-end rot resistance

There is a great need to improve ā€˜Carabaoā€™ mango since its susceptibility to diseases results in low yield and poor quality of mango fruits. Molecular marker-assisted breeding has been instrumental in the development of new varieties in many crops. In this regard, a project on improvement of ā€˜Carabaoā€™ Mango Production and Fruit Quality through Quantitative …

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