Dairy Industry Profile
The National Dairy Authority (NDA) reported that the dairy sub-sector, which includes carabao/buffalo, dairy cattle and dairy goat, contributed 16.8% to the total Philippine agricultural value. In 2021, PSA reported the total dairy production of 26.3 thousand MT which is grossed at current prices amounting to Php 1.408 billion, as the dairy sub-sector recorded an uptrend in gross earning with 16.7% growth. The increases in value were 22.1%, 18.5%, and 14.6% for buffalo, cattle, and goat, respectively. However, the Philippines only produces 1% of its 2.5 billion liter milk demand, as reported by NSA, which leads the country to import 99% of the dairy products.
The Philippines has four main types of dairy farms which are individual smallholder producers, smallholder cooperatives, commercial farms, and government farms (i.e. Philippine Carabao Center and State Universities). Smallholder farmers with an average of 2-4 heads mainly comprise the dairy industry in the country. There are dual-purpose breeds, which are used for both dairy and meat production, and there are improved dairy breed animals which are mainly used for dairy production. Milk is the most important product from dairy farming. Some farmers sell the milk from their farms to cooperatives or local milk processors, which then produce various dairy products such as pasteurized fresh milk, flavored milk, cheeses, ice cream, fermented milk, and confectioneries.
Problems in the Industry
There is not enough local dairy supply to meet the local demand. Hence, the Philippines needs to increase the dairy industryās competitiveness for the country to rely less on imports, and minimize the current trade deficit. The milk production is highly affected by poor feed and management practices, high production costs and lack of adequate dairy infrastructure. Other problems faced by the industry are water scarcity, poor mechanization, low reproductive efficiency, and the high wastage due to the high perishability of milk.

- Policies and Programs
Dairy Policies
Policy Type | Policy Number | Policy Year | Congress | Policy Title | Policy Description | Policy Objective | Policy Link | Commodity | Classification | info_encoder_stamp | info_date_stamp | info_quashing_remarks | filepath |
Bill | House Bill No. 8863 | 2023 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect, And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain, To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | Section 2. Declaration of Policies. ā It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, particularly the backyard livestock, poultry, and dairy raisers, in order to increase the supply of meat, eggs, milk, and other livestock, poultry, and dairy products, to improve the domestic supply of breeders, to enhance the availability and affordability of feeds and forage, to promote food safety and quality standards, and to attain greater security in food, livestock, poultry, and dairy commodities. It is likewise the policy of the State to increase the income of farmers and farm workers and to alleviate rural poverty through a) improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, and job generation, b) enhanced production efficiency, and c) increased protection of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries from pests and diseases. Towards this end, the State shall nurture an enabling environment by 1) establishing more responsive government policies and support programs to develop the whole value chain of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries in the country and 2) by raising the cost-effectiveness of regulations on animal disease prevention and control and enforcement of food safety and quality standards on their produce and processed products with least disruptive effects on trade and their value chains. The State recognizes the vital role of the private sector as partners in the various facets of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries ā including the organization of their farmers to be more competitive by providing incentives and needed support to encourage stronger partnership and consolidation. | This bill will spur the rise of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries as key production growth driver in the economy, a significantly important segment of the agriculture, and a major provider of employment in the country-sides. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB08863.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 8032 | 2023 | 19th | An Act To Develop The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industry Value Chain, Including The Strengthening 0F Its Disease Prevention, Control And Regui.Atory Functions, Availability 0F Affordable And Quality Feeds, Promotion 0F Dairy And Native Animals And T0 Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, Dairy, And Related Feeds Competitiveness Funds, And For Other Purposes | The 1987 Constitution provides that the State shall provide support to agriculture through appropriate technology and research, and adequate financial, production, marketing, and other support services. Currently, the State, through the Department Of Agriculture (DA), implements a national livestock program that intends to accelerate the development of the livestock and poultry industries, among many other agricultural colnmodities of the country. However, the country still imports Hvestock products worth USD3 to USD4 billion a year. Hence, there is a need to strengthen the nation’ s livestock industry. In response thereto, this Representation seeks to create the Philippine Livestock and Poultry Authority (PLPA) by merging the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI), the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC), and the National Dairy Authority (NDA). The PLPA is tasked to formulate a ten-year roadmap for Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Value Chain Development. Based on this roadmap, the Philippine Livestock and Poultry Development Authority Advisory Board (PLPAAB) win then oversee and provide policy guidance on the coordinated implementation of the programs funded by the Livestock, Poultry, Dairy, and Related Feeds Competitiveness Enhancement Funds. | This bin aims to foster the growth of the livestock industry in order to achieve food security, enhance global competitiveness, and aneviate poverty. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB08032.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 7879 | 2023 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect, And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain, To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | SEC. 2. Declaration of Policies. – It is the policy of the State to promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, particularly the backyard livestock, poultry, and dairy raisers, in order to increase the supply of meat, eggs, milk, and other livestock, poultry, and dairy products, improve the domestic supply of breeders, enhance the availability and affordability of feeds and forage, promote food safety and quality standards, and attain greater security in food, livestock, poultry, and dairy commodities. It is likewise the policy of the State to increase the income of farmers and farm workers, and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, job generation, enhanced production efficiency, and protection of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries from pests and diseases. Towards this end, the State shall nurture an enabling environment and establish more responsive government policies and support programs to develop the whole value chain of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries in the country, and raise the cost-effectiveness of regulations on animal disease prevention and control, enforcement of food safety and quality standards on their produce and processed products with least disruptive effects on trade and their value chains. The State recognizes the vital role of the private sector as partners in the various facets of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, and the organization of their farmers to be more competitive and shall provide incentives and needed support to encourage stronger partnership and consolidation. | This bill aims to develop, protect, and promote the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries and their value chain and to provide for a livestock, poultry, and dairy competitiveness enhancement fund. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB07879.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 7030 | 2023 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain, To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | SEC. 2. Declaration of Policies. ā It is hereby a declared policy of the State to promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, particularly the backyard livestock, poultry, and dairy raisers, in order to increase the supply of meat, eggs, milk, and other livestock, poultry, and dairy products, improve the domestic supply of breeders, enhance the availability and affordability of feeds and forage, modernize facilities, promote food safety and quality standards, and attain greater security in food, livestock, poultry, and dairy commodities. It is likewise the policy of the State to increase the income of farmers and farm workers, and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, job generation, enhanced production efficiency, and protection of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries from pests and diseases. Towards this end, the State shall nurture an enabling environment and establish more responsive government policies and support programs to develop the whole value chain of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries in the country, and raise the cost-effectiveness of regulations on animal disease prevention and control, enforcement of food safety and quality standards on their produce and processed products with least disruptive effects on trade and their value chains. The State recognizes the vital role of the private sector as partners in the various facets of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, and the organization of their farmers to be more competitive and shall provide incentives and needed support to encourage stronger partnership and consolidation. | This bill aims to to develop, protect, and promote the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries in the Philippines and provide for a roadmap that will provide for its modernization and boost its competitiveness. This bill also provides for a Livestock, Poultry, and Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund which shall be used for the purpose of achieving the objective of development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, as well as to increase the income of farmers and farm workers, and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/hb07030.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 792 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Restructure And Rationalize the Livestock Industry In Order Strengthen Its Development, Protection, and Regulatory Functions, Including the Promotion of Dairy and Native Animals, And To Provide For A Livestock Development, And For Other Purposes | This legislative proposal is consistent with the call of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) to pursue holistic livestock industry development to help keep prices stable. It is supported by the Department of Agriculture (DA) to allow the livestock industry regain its positive stance in contributing to the growth of the entire agriculture sector. | This bill seeks to promote the livestock industry through an enabling environment, establishment of more responsive government policies and support programs, and tightening of regulatory functions on food safety and quality standards on livestock produce and processed products, to ultimately achieve self-sufficiency in food and livestock commodities. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3860935063!.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 119 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain, To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | Sec. 2. Declaration ofPolicies. – It is hereby the declared policy of the State to promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, particularly the backyard livestock, poultry, and dairy raisers, in order to increase the supply of meat, oggs, milk, and other livestock, poultry, and dairy products, improve the domestic supply of breeders, enhance the availability and affordability of feeds and forage, promote food safety and quality standards, and attain greater security in food, livestock, poultry, and dairy commodities. It is likewise the policy of the State to increase the income of farmers and farm workers, and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, job generation, enhanced production efficiency, and protection of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries from pests and diseases. Towards this end, the State shall nurture an enabling environment and establish more responsive government policies and support programs to develop the whole value chain of the livestock, poultry, and dairy Industries in the country, and raise the cost-effectiveness of regulations on animal disease prevention and control, enforcement of food safety and quality standards on their produce and processed products with least disruptive effects on trade and their value chains. The State recognizes the vital role of the private sector as partners in the various facets of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, and the organization of their farmers to be more competitive and shall provide incentives and needed support to encourage stronger partnership and consolidation. | This Senate bill will spur the rise of the livestock, poultry and dairy industries as key production growth driver in the economy, a significantly Important segment of the agriculture, and a major provider of employment in the country-sides. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3782734268!.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 6057 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Restructure, Rationalize, And Integrate The GovernmentāS Livestock Industry Support Agencies Into The Philippine Livestock Authority In Order To Strengthen Its Development, Protection, And Regulatory Functions, Including The Promotion Of Dairy And Native Animals, Provide For A Livestock Development Fund, And For Other Purposes. | SECTION 2. Declaration of Policies. ā It is hereby the declared policy of the State to promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock industry, particularly the small-hold farmers and backyard raisers, in order to increase the supply of meat, poultry, dairy, eggs and other livestock products, improve the domestic supply of breeders as well as feeds and forage, promote food safety and quality standards of livestock products, and attain greater self-sufficiency in food and livestock commodities. It is likewise the policy of the State to increase the incomes of farmers and farm workers and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, job generation, enhanced production efficiency and protection of the livestock industry from pests and diseases. Towards this end, the State shall nurture an enabling environment, establish more responsive government policies and support programs, tighten the regulatory functions on food safety and quality standards on livestock produce and processed products, and give prime focus to the development of the livestock industry in the country. The State recognizes the vital role of the private sector as partners in the various facets of the livestock industry and shall provide incentives and the needed support to encourage these activities and promote livestock farmerās organizations. | This bill aims for the massive rehabilitation of the Philippine livestock industry to stabilize food security and combat soaring inflation rates. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB06057.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 4674 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Providing For A Comprehensive Development Plan For The Dairy Industry, Geared Towards Philippine Dairy Self-Sufficiency | This Bill has five primary measures. First, the fast-tracking and close monitoring of the implementation of dairy-related Public Investment Programs (PIP) under the National Economic Development Agencyās (NEDA) List of 2017-2022 Priority Programs and Projects. Second, the prioritization and boosting of projects that are meant to improve dairy animal health, welfare, and nutrition. Third, the identification of Model Farms, which will offer mentoring and host on-site trainings, both for fledgling dairy farmers, and those already seeking to expand their operations. Fourth, institutionalizing tie-ups between dairy farms and their local government units (LGUs), especially for regular milk-supplying programs in public schools, and for promoting/marketing dairy products as staple/specialty goods of their locality. And fifth, revitalizing and streamlining financial aid programs for dairy farmers. | This bill aims to provide a comprehensive development plan for the dairy industry, geared towards Philippine dairy self-sufficiency | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB04974.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 4699 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Providing for Additional Developmental Funding to the National Dairy Authority (NDA), and for Other Purposes | SECTION 2. DECLARATION OF POLICY ā It shall hereby be a declared the policy of the State to strive for national self-sufficiency in milk and dairy products as a vital feature in the attainment of a self-reliant and independent Philippine economy in the provision of proper nutrition and the generation of more employment opportunities for the people. It shall also be the policy of the State to recognize the primary role of the private sector in research, training, production, processing, and marketing, and to provide incentives to those undertaking these activities, with government limiting itself to policy-making, facilitation and regulation. Towards this end, the State shall create an agency tasked to help the private sector accelerate the development and growth of the Philippine dairy industry under the spirit of cooperativism in all stages of dairy production, processing, distribution, marketing, and other dairy-related activities, in such a way that market viability of livestock and dairy products shall be ensured, focusing on developing breeds adapted to Philippine conditions. Likewise, the State shall help establish marketing networks and outlets, especially among and between processors and end-users, which may include the integration of local milk production with existing industrial milk plants geared towards the sufficient production of local milk for the needs of the people. | This bill seeks to provide developmental funding to the national Dairy Authority (NDA) to ensure that the country fulfills its commitments to establish marketing networks and outlets, especially among and between processors and end-users, which may include the integration of local milk production with existing industrial milk plants geared towards the sufficient production of local milk for the needs of the people. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB04699.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 4698 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Amending Republic Act 7884, Otherwise Known As The āNational Dairy Development Act Of 1995ā , Providing For Stiffer Penalties And Sanctions, And For Other Purposes | The National Dairy Authority, (NDA) is mandated to ensure the accelerated development of the Philippine dairy industry through policy direction and program implementation. It is an agency attached to the Department of Agriculture. The primary Objectives and Mandates of the (NDA) are as follows: (a) To promote and provide direction for the accelerated development of the Philippine dairy industry, consistent with the provisions of this Act; (b) To give support and assistance in the production, processing and marketing activities of all those engaged in the business of producing milk and other dairy products particularly rural based small dairy farmers through the provision of necessary support systems; (c) To encourage and promote the active participation of farm families, rural cooperatives and the private sector recognizing them as principal agents in the development of the Philippine dairy industry; (d) To ensure an adequate supply of milk and dairy products at affordable prices; (e) To improve livelihood opportunities and thereby increase income level through dairying; (f) To enhance childrenās and pregnant and nursing mothersā nutritional intake through the promotion of locally produced milk and milk products. (g) To develop and disseminate appropriate smallholder-based dairy technology; (h) To improve milk production from existing stock and systematically program the build-up of productive milking herd; and (i) To conserve foreign exchange by supporting local milk production. | The bill aims to amend Republic Act 7884 or the National Dairy Development Act of 1995 to provide stiffer penalties and sanctions. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB04698.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 3777 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect, And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain, To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | The latest Social Weather Stations (SWS) survey has reported that hunger rose from 11.8% to 12.2% of Filipino families. In other words, an estimated 3.1 million people have experienced involuntary hunger ā ābeing hungry and not having anything to eatā at least once in the past three months. Due to global economic challenges, the country faces an increased cost of meat, vegetables, and rice prices. The price of rice are expected to soar given that major rice exporters such as Vietnam and India have implemented export restrictions due to the continuing supply chain disruptions caused by global conflicts like that of Russia-Ukraine. These economic challenges are reflected on the inflationary effects on food and basic commodities which can cause further poverty in the Philippines. It is thus imperative that the State pursue policies to ease the burden of inflation on vulnerable communities. One of the reforms that should be considered is to develop, protect, and promote the self-sufficiency of many agricultural commodities, especially the livestock, poultry, and dairy sectors. For decades, the livestock, poultry, and dairy sectors have received limited attention and developmental assistance from the government. The country has relied mostly on international imports to provide for the local livestock, poultry, and dairy demand despite our very own local industries having the capacity to be self-sufficient if only supported and incentivized. | This bill seeks to empower and capacitate the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries to be key production growth drivers in the economy. In doing so, we significantly strengthen the agriculture industry, while ensuring food security and providing employment opportunities especially in rural areas. This bill also serves as a counterpart legislation for Senate Bill No. 119 filed by Senator Cynthia Villar. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB03777.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 3139 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Strengthening The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industry, Creating For The Purpose The Livestock, Poultry, Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, Further Amending Republic Act No. 8178, As Amended, For Other Purposes | It is the policy of the State to ensure food security and to make the country’s agricultural sector viable, efficient, and globally competitive. The State shall promote the development and competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy (LPD) industries to improve domestic production, promote food safety and quality standards of livestock, poultry, and dairy products, and attain food self-sufficiency. it is also hereby declared policy of the State to invigorate rural economy and increase income through improved productivity and competitiveness, income generation, enhanced production efficiency, and protection of the LPD industries from diseases. Toward this end, the State shall establish support programs that will address the needs of the LPD industries, particularly domestic production and development, disease prevention, and financial resilience. | This bill aims to ensure adequate supply of food products, boost agricultural productivity, and promote equity in economic opportunities. This bill aims to establish the Swine Competitiveness Enhancement Fund that will provide necessary support to our local livestock and poultry industries, including dairy. The bill shall devote the revenues collected from the importation of pork, poultry, and dairy products to vital programs in the recovery and development of each industry. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB03139.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 2328 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Develop, Protect, And Promote The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industries And Their Value Chain Providing For This Purpose A Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Competitiveness Enhancement Fund, And For Other Purposes | It is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote the development and enhance the competitiveness of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries, especially the backyard livestock, poultry, and dairy raisers. The end goal of which, is to increase the local production of meat, eggs, milk, and other livestock, poultry, and dairy products, further improve the domestic supply of breeders, enhance the availability and affordability of feeds and forage, promote local food sufficiency, food safety and quality standards of livestock, poultry, and dairy products. | The bill seeks to increase the income of farmers and farm workers, and to alleviate rural poverty through improved productivity and competitiveness, product diversification, job generation, enhanced production efficiency, and protection of the livestock, poultry, and dairy industries from pests and diseases. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB02328.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 440 | 2022 | 19th | An Act To Develop The Livestock, Poultry, And Dairy Industry Value Chain, Including The Strengthening Of Its Disease Prevention, Control And Regulatory Functions, Availability Of Affordable And Quality Feeds, Promotion Of Dairy And Native Animals And To Provide For A Livestock, Poultry, Dairy, And Related Feeds Competitiveness Funds, And For Other Purposes | Given the circumstance, the nation’s livestock industry must be strengthened. The State shall also put focus on livestock initiatives, through the Department of Agriculture (DA), to develop a national livestock industry that is organized and competitive. Years have passed but there is still no primary agency tasked with overseeing and assisting the livestock industry. | The bill aims to jump-start and align the growth of the livestock industry, aid the expansion of our economy as an important aspect of agriculture, and creae jobs, particularly in rural areas. | https://docs.congress.hrep.online/legisdocs/basic_19/HB00440.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 3985 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Merging the Philippine Carabao Center and the National Dairy Authority into the Philippine National Dairy Development Agency to Provide Greater Focus on the Accelerated Development of the Dairy Industry and to Increase Production of Dairy Animals in the Philippines, Providing a Ruminant Development Fund therefore, and for other Purposes | The dairy sector is an unpresuming sector in the industry that is not only important in economic terms but also plays a huge role in the diet of the Filipino family. With dairy production in the country being more community-based and with the lack of dairy processing facilities and milk delivering vehicles, maintaining the quality and accessibility of affordable fresh milk becomes a major concern. There is a need for a strong thrust for the development of the dairy industry. A strong partnership between the government, the farmers, and those involved in the production and supply of dairy products is a step in lifting this sector to its full potential. | The bill seeks to provide assuarnce of progress and self-sufficiency in the dairy industry. Through the exemption from taxes and duties provision, the agency to be created will be able to upgrade and improve equipment and machinery without affecting the funds to be sued for the agencies’ functions. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/basic_19/HB03985.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | House Bill No. 4699 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Providing for Additional Developmental Funding to the National Dairy Authority (NDA), and for Other Purposes | The National Dairy Authority (NDA) is mandated to ensure the accelerated development of the Philippine dairy industry through policy direction and project implementation. It is an agency attached to the Department of Agriculture. A profitable, competitive, and sustainable growing dairy industry built on financially viable business performance throughout the value chain, providing a good quality of life for farmers and ensuring consumers safe and quality milk and milk products by 2025. | This house bill seeks to provide developmental funding to theNational Dairy Authority (NDA) to ensure that the country fulfills its commitments to establish marketing networks and outlets, especially among and between processors and end-users, which may include the integration of local milk production with existing industrial milk plants geared towards the sufficient production of local milk for the needs of the people. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/basic_19/HB04699.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 139 | 2019 | 18th | An Act to Restructure and Rationalize the Livestock Industry in order Strengthen its Development, Protection, and Regulatory Functions, including the Promotion of Dairy and Native Animals, and to Provide for a Livestock Development, and for Other Purposes | All these decades, there has been no primary agency mandated to support the development of our livestock industry. The regulatory functions under the Bureau of Animal Industry and the National Meat Inspection Commission are already well defined and need not be disturbed but the other roles of the BAI should be enhanced and supported in order for it to be an 2 effective developmental support agency for the livestock sector, especially among the small hold farmers and backyard livestock growers. The BAI shall henceforth provide stronger focus on industry development, on helping upgrade the industry’s forward and backward linkages, and on boosting conditions of players in the value chain in terms of farm technologies, logistics, financing, processing and overall capability building. | This Senate bill will spur the rise of the livestock sector as a key production growth driver in the economy, a significantly important segment of the agriculture, and a major provider of employment in the countryside. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3039727238!.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Administrative Order | Administrative Circular 04 | 2019 | Null | The Dairy Safety Regulations | Dairy safety regulations and standards adopt the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Animal Husbandry Practices (GAHP), and Codex Alimentarius standards as far as practicable and suitable to Philippine dairy settings. These regulations also give preference to the compliance by the dairy enterprise operators with existing laws and administrative rules and regulations like health and environmental laws and regulations, quarantine, feeds, drugs and biologies; and consumer laws and fair trade rules. | This order aims to strengthen the dairy safety regulatory system of the country, and shall adopt the following objectives: a. Protect consumers from unsafe and adulterated locally-produced milk; b. Enhance industry and consumer confidence in the dairy regulatory system; c. Achieve economic growth and development by promoting fair trade practices and sound regulatory foundation for domestic distribution; and d. Upgrade the capability of local dairy farmers, consumers, and dairy personnel in ensuring dairy safety. | https://www.da.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/ac04_s2019.pdf | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Guidelines/Strategies | Philippine National Standard (PNS) | 2010 | Null | Philippine National Standard (PNS): Live Grading for Slaughter Cattle | The standard applies to cattle intended for slaughter focusing on grade parameters related to the carcass yield. Carcass quality parameters such as meat color, marbling and meat firmness are not included as these cannot be predicted from live animal. | The PNS for live grading of slaughter cattle aims to have a grading system for live cattle intended for slaughter that will facilitate marketing of products as well as promote production of high quality cattle. | http://spsissuances.da.gov.ph/attachments/article/781/PNS%20BAFPS%2087-2010%20live%20grading%20cattle.pdf | Dairy | Cattle | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Republic Act No. 7884 | 1995 | 9th | An Act Creating The National Dairy Authority To Accelerate The Development Of The Dairy Industry In The Philippines, Providing For A Dairy Development Fund, And For Other Purposes | It is hereby declared the policy of the State to strive for national self-sufficiency in milk and dairy products as a vital feature in the attainment of a selfreliant and independent Philippine economy in the provision of proper nutrition and the generation of more employment opportunities for the people. It is also the policy of the State to recognize the primary role of the private sector in research, training, production, processing, and marketing, and to provide incentives to those undertaking these activities, with government limiting itself to policy-making, facilitation and regulation. | The bill aims to create an agency tasked to help the private sector accelerate the development and growth of the Philippine dairy industry under the spirit of cooperativism in all stages of dairy production, processing, distribution, marketing, and other dairy-related activities, in such a way that market viability of livestock and dairy products shall be ensured, focusing on developing breeds adapted to Philippine conditions. Likewise, it shall help establish marketing networks and outlets, especially among and between processors and end-users, which may include the integration of local milk production with existing industrial milk plants geared towards the sufficient production of local milk for the needs of the people. | https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph/1995/02/20/republic-act-no-7884/ | Dairy | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Law | Republic Act No. 7307 | 1992 | 9th | An Act Creating The Philippine Carabao Center To Propagate And Promote The Philippine Carabao And For Other Purposes | It is hereby declared the policy of the State to develop a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos. It also provides that the state shall support indigenous, appropriate, and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities, and their application to the country’s productive systems and national life. | The bill aims to establish various programs to conserve, propagate and promote the Philippine carabao as a source of draft animal power, meat, milk, and hide. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/ra_08/Ra07307.pdf | Dairy | Carabao | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Dairy_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx |
ISP for Dairy
The PCAARRD Dairy ISP targets to increase average daily milk production for daily buffalo and dairy cattle, increase lactation period, decrease breeding period and decrease calving intervals, and reduce milk wastage and/or spoilage.
Strategic R&D
Strategic R&D is DOST-PCAARRDās banner program comprising all R&D activities that are intended to
generate outputs geared towards maximum economic and social benefits
Establishment of Dairy Cattle Foundation Breeder Herd through Embryo Transfer (ET) using Imported Pedigreed Frozen Embryos
PagAsa is the first calf produced through Embryo Transfer technology that used fresh embryo from a Girolando donor cow. The...
Read MoreTechnologies
Products, equipment, and protocols or process innovations developed to improve productivity, efficiency,
quality, and profitability in the agriculture and aquatic industries, and to achieve sustainable
utilization and management of natural resources
Feeding Protocols and Practices
Development and Testing of Complete Nutrient Diet (CND) for Growing and Dairy Buffalo Complete nutrient diet (CND) is the feed ration developed to meet the nutrient requirement of an animal...
Read MoreCapacity Building
Capacity building efforts of DOST-PCAARRD seek to develop and enhance the R&D capabilities of researchers
and academic or research institutions through graduate assistantships & non-degree trainings
and development and/or upgrading of research facilities
Policy Research & Advocacy
Analysis of policy concerns and advocacy of science-informed policies ensures that the AANR policy environment is conducive for S&T development
and investments

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Market Advisory
Market-related advisory services that are product of market scanning done by continually and actively monitoring the external environment in order to identify customer needs, anticipate competitive actions, and, identify technological changes which may provide new market opportunities or market disruptions. The advisories provide a variety of information, including selection of market outlets, emerging demand, technological advances, and potential business partners, among others.
To be able to run their business as a modern venture, clients will be provided with information to adapt/respond to market change based on changing market conditions and opportunities. The emerging demand/trends may have direct effect on both demand for skills improvement and the competencies needed to promote market-oriented enterprises.
Challenges and Shifts in Philippines’ Livestock Industry: Production, Imports, Price
Explore the latest updates on the Philippines’ livestock industry: production...
Read MoreLivestock Output Optimism and Stable Retail Prices Amid Feed Shortages:
This article discusses the optimistic outlook for livestock output and...
Read MoreBird Flu Alert, Rabies Outbreak, and Swine Industry Initiatives
Livestock and poultry face threats from bird flu and rabies...
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