This study investigated the coffee value chain in the CALABARZON and developed interventionĀ models to create a smart food value chain. Specifically, this study intended to: 1) operationalizeĀ the Smart Food Value Chain Framework in the coffee value chain in CALABARZON; 2) provideĀ an overview of the current state of the coffee industry in CALABARZON; 3) map out the coffee supply /value chains showing the a) key customers and their product requirements; b) keyĀ players and their roles; c) activities and processes involved; d) flow of product, payment, andĀ information; e) logistic concerns; and, f) external influences; 4) analyze the performance of theĀ coffee supply /value chain, where possible, in terms of efficiency, flexibility, overallĀ responsiveness, and other indicators; 5) design key intervention models towards developmentĀ of resilient and inclusive agricultural food supply /value chains; and 6) integrate DOST agenciesĀ and Regional Offices in the Smart Food Value Chain.Ā
Results indicate that the gap in the demand for coffee can be solvedĀ through improvements in both the productivity and processing efficiency. In the productionĀ sector, the optimal use of inputs that promote sustainable yield is recommended. The intensiveĀ use of chemical inputs poses problems with decreasing productivity in the long run and furtherĀ affects the income of farmers. In the processing sector, some areas have limited processingĀ equipment which enables them to have a better income. Therefore, the provision of newĀ products and processing technology must be considered. In the marketing sector, farmersĀ remain individualistic and thus are not linked directly to markets. It limits the capacity of small scale farmers to sell their commodities at a higher price.Ā