Coconut Industry Profile
The coconut industry is an important sector of agriculture in the Philippines. With 69 out of 82 provinces in the country producing coconut, the industry has a total production area of 3.62 million hectares and provides an estimate of 2.5 million farmers with employment. Moreover, the Philippines has over 347 million fruit-bearing trees and a total production (mt) of 14.7 million (nut terms) in 2018. As of 2015, domestic consumption of coconut in copra terms was 0.835 million metric tons (Philippine Coconut Authority, 2018). The Philippines also remains to be the second-largest producer of coconut among the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), wherein it comprises almost 40% of ASEAN’s total coconut production (FAOStat, 2018). Major producers of coconut in the Philippines include the regions of CALABARZON, Zamboanga Peninsula, Davao, and Northern Mindanao. Being referred to as the “tree of life” due to its wide array of uses, coconut is mainly exported as products like virgin coconut oil (VCO) and desiccated coconut.
Problems in the Industry
In the past, the coconut industry has experienced various challenges ranging from low production to natural calamities and pest infestations. Certain studies pointed to low productivity being caused by old and senile coconut trees. On the other hand, historical disasters, specifically typhoons Pablo and Yolanda in 2012 and 2013, also instigated massive damages on coconut farms and other key players within the coconut supply chain. The industry further faced numerous infestations from coconut scale insects (CSI), locally known as cocolisap, which were first observed in 2010. The cocolisaps feed on the leaves, fruits and flowers of the coconut tree leaving only the trunk. This disables the production of coconuts, and the remaining use of the tree would simply be as coco-lumber. Although replanting of coconut trees is the immediate solution for the abovementioned problems, it will still take several years for them to reach the optimum maturity for production.

- Price
- Production
- Policies and Programs
- Farm Gate Price
- Retail Price
- Wholesale Price
- Volume
- Value
- Area
- Yield
Coconut Policies
Policy Type | Policy Number | Policy Year | Congress | Policy Title | Policy Description | Policy Objective | Policy Link |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 1871 | 2023 | 19th | An Act Decriminalizing Qualified Theft Of Coconuts And Reclassifying It As Simple Theft Under Article 308, Further Amending For This Purpose Article 310 Of The Revised Penal Code, As Amended | Many coconut farmers, especially small-scale farmers, farm workers, and tenants who mainly rely on coconut farming as their main source of livelihood, face challenges, such as lack of government support, low farm productivity, lack of capital and infrastructure, no sustained access to formal credit sources, recurring infestations of a pest called cocolisap, inadequate fertilization, climate related risks and hazards, insufficient farm to market roads, corruption, among others.2 To make matters even worse, coconut farmers are considered among the poorest in the country. They accounted for about 60% of the rural poor and have an average annual income of PHP 20,000 per hectare.3 Most of the 2.54 million coconut farmers in the country earn less than PHP 10,000 per year. Those who fall in this income range are largely farm workers and tenants. In 2019, the prevailing wage rate in the coconut farm sector was only PHP 338.72 per day.4 Because of this, some farm workers and tenants have stolen coconuts on the lands that they work under the impulse of hunger, poverty, or the difficulty of earning a livelihood to support themselves and their family. The high penalty for qualified theft, which is two degrees higher than simple theft under Article 308, only adds to the difficulties faced by the farmers, discouraging them from pursuing their livelihood, which further contributes to the industry’s decline. These farmers are often subjected to high bail amounts for their temporary liberty, which further puts them on a significant financial strain. The penalty is deemed too harsh, especially for small-scale coconut farmers, tenants, and farm workers who rely on the sale of coconuts as their main source of income and who have only acted under desperation and impulse of hunger and poverty. | By decriminalizing qualified theft of coconuts under Article 310 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and reclassifying it as simple theft under Article 308, the penalty and the bail amount would be significantly reduced. The bill aims to provide a relief to small-scale farmers, tenants, and farm workers, and reduce the burden on those who may be accused of this offense. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/4073937127!.pdf |
Bill | House Bill No. 00327 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Establishing a Provincial Office of the Philippine Coconut Authority in the Municipality of Basilisa, Province of Dinagat Islands and Appropriating Funds Therefor | There shall be established and maintained under the direct supervision of the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), a PCA provincial office in the Municipality of Basilisa, Dinagat Islands to be known as the Philippine Coconut Authority Dinagat Islands Provincial Office for the purpose of ensuring the development and growth of coconut industry in the province, to the benefit therewith of the Dinagat coconut farmers. The Secretary of Department of Agriculture shall immediately include in the agency’s programs the operationalization of the PCA Dinagat Islands Provincial Office, the initial funding of which shall be charged against the current year’s appropriation of PCA. Thereafter, the amount necessary for the continued operation of said PCA provincial office shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act. | This bill seeks the establishment of a Provincial Office of the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) in the Province of Dinagat Islands. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/basic_19/HB00327.pdf |
Bill | House Bill No. 00410 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Proposing the Establishment, Recognition, and Strengthening of the Coconut Research Center for the Visayas and Appropriating Funds Thereof | The National Coconut Rcscarch Ccntcr — Visayas. established by the Visayas State University (VSU) will be renamed as Visayas Coconut Rescarch and Devclopmcnt Center (VCRDC). The Visayas Coconut Research and Development Center (VCRDC) shall be recognized by the Department of Agriculture — Philippine Coconut Authority (DA-PCA) as the Zonal Research and Developmcnt Center of coconut in the Visayas with thc following Vision, Mission- and Research and Development Thrusts: A. Vision: Ccntcr of relevant coconut technologics and development in the Visayas, B. Mission: Generatc and disseminate relevant coconut technologies towards a profitable sustainable coconut industrv in the Visavas and:Rcscarch and C. Development Ihrusts: Varietal Improvement Coconut Production & Cultural Managernent, Pest Management. Climate-smart Coconut Fanning System, Product Development and Commercialization, and Socio-economic Rescarch and Extension. | The bill proposes that NCRC-V of Visayas State University be recognized as the zonal coconut research and development center for the Visayas by the DA-PCA and bc renamed the Visayas Coconut Research and Development Center (VCRDC) mandated to conduct joint R&D with the DA-PCA, and shall annually and jointly be funded by the PCA and the VSU. | |
Bill | House Bill No. 3258 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Establishing The Coconut Farmers And Industry Development Trust Fund And Providing For Its Management And Utilization | It is hereby declared the policy of the State to pursue and attain the balanced, equiatble, integrated, and sustainable growth and development of the coconut industry. Towards this end, the State shall adopt the necessary measures to immediately address the serious problems besetting the coocnut industry, protect the socio-economic well-being of coconut farmers, and ensure that the benefits due them, especially the poor and the marginalized, under various statutes shall be consolidated and their delivery expedited. Any measure or program undertaken in accordance to this Act shall be deemed complementary to and shall not be a replacement for existing and potential coconut development programs already conducted by other agencies. | The bill seeks to address the decades-long struggle of coconut farmers by enacting a genuine law on the use of the coconut levy funds. It is meant to provide a mechanism to protect the rights, welfare, and interest of the small and marginalized coconut farmers and farm workers. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/basic_19/HB03258.pdf |
Bill | House Bill No. 3429 | 2022 | 19th | An Act Expediting the Implementation of the Programs and Projects Under the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan, Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 11524, Otherwise Known as the “Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act” | The enactment of Republic Act No. 11524 and the subsequent issuance of Executive Order No. 172 s. 2022 had provided the mandate and mechanism to utilize the Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund in various programs and projects for the benefit of the coconut farmers and the development of the coconut industry. The law, however, mandated a fifty (50)-year period for implementing programs and projects identified under the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan. This protracted implementation period exposes the Coconut Farmers Industry Trust Fund to uncertainties and unknowns in development planning, a piecemeal approach to program and project implementation, and additional bureaucratic costs in the provision of government support. | This bill seeks to mitigate such risks by shortening the implementation period of Republic Act No. 11524 from fifty (50) to twenty (20) years. Through this intervention, planning uncertainties would be lessened, the adoption of high-impact programs and projects incentivized, the cost of government reduced, and the support for coconut farmers and the coconut industry timely and adequately provided. | https://hrep-website.s3.ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/legisdocs/basic_19/HB03429.pdf |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 1369 | 2020 | 18th | An Act Creating The Coconut Farmers And Industry Trust Fund, Providing For Its Management And Utilization, Reconstituting For The Purpose The Philippine Coconut Authority Board, And For Other Purposes, also known as the “Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund Act” | Coconut LevyAssets shall refer to any and all kinds of property, whether real or personal, tangible or intangible, wherever situated, which have been acquired through the Coconut Levy Funds as defined in this Section, including those assets that may be recovered in favor of the government, as well as the fruits or income therefrom. There is hereby created a Trust Fund to be known as the “Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund,” referred to in this Act as the “Trust Fund,” which shall be capitalized, managed, invested, utilized and accounted for in the manner provided in this Act. The PCA, an independent public corporation created underPresidential Decree No. 1468, shall be reconstituted andstrengthened to ensure the participation of coconut farmers in the crafting and implementation of the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan. The composition of the PCA Board is hereby amended. | The bill aims to consolidate the benefits due to the farmers, especially the poor and marginalized, under the various statutes and to expedite thereof to attain increased incomes for coconut farmers, alleviate poverty, and achieve social equity. | https://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3248229334!.pdf |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 1127 | 2020 | 18th | An Act Establishing The Coconut Trust Fund, Providing For Its Management And Utilization, Reconstituting The Philippine Coconut Authority, And For Other Purposes | The cash collections shall remain at the Bureau of Treasury. A management group composed of the Department of Finance (DOF), the Bureau of Treasury (BTr), the Privatization and Management Office (PMO), the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA), the Commission on Audit (COA), the Presidential Commission on Good Governance (PCGG), and farmer representatives will be constituted to manage and most conservatively invest the funds. The PMO, with the PCGG and COA’s assistance, will assess, value, and dispose of assets. The PCA shall be modestly reconstituted as the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Fund’s implementing arm for the annual five billion pesos (PhP 5,000,000,000.00) of development projects annually. The consolidated and confirmed National Registry of Coconut Farmers will be the basis for the further five billion pesos (PhP 5,000,000,000.00) to be given as social assistance, livelihood, and job programs for small marginalized coconut farmers. | This bill seeks to reinvigorate the PCA, safeguard with the Department of Finance (DOF) and the Privatization and Management Office (PMO) the Coco-Levy Assets, and finally initiate the distribution o f the long-awaited coco-levy funds, if only partially and very prudently. | https://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3173928628!.pdf |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 1052 | 2020 | 18th | An Act Creating The Coconut Farmers And Industry Trust Fund, Providing For Its Management And Utilization, Reconstituting For The Purpose The Philippine Coconut Authority Board, And For Other Purposes | The Coconut Farmers and Industry Trust Fund is being created, to be managed and disbursed in accordance with the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan, which will be prepared by the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) in consultation with the coconut farmers and their organizations, industry associations, civil society organizations, academe, government agencies concerned, and other stakeholders in the coconut industry and approved by the President of the Philippines. The Plan shall set the directions and policies for the development and rehabilitation of the coconut industry for the next ninety-nine (99) years, the life-span of the Trust Fund. The utilization of the Trust Fund shall be for provisions of facilities essential to the industry, empowerment of coconut farmers’ organizations and cooperatives, farm improvement to encourage self-sufficiency, scholarship program, and health and medical program for industry members. | This bill aims to plow back the monies to the coconut industry for the ulitmate benefit of not only our coconut farmers but the entire agricultural economy. | https://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3156228408!.pdf |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 549 | 2020 | 18th | An Act Providing The Enabling Mechanisms For Research And Development (R&D) Of Coconut Sugar In The Country, Appropriating Funds Therefor And For Other Purposes | The Department of Science and Technology, in coordination with the Philippine Coconut Authority, Department of Agriculture, and the Food and Nutrition Research Institute, shall conduct an extensive R&D study on the health benefits and nutritional value of coconut sugar in order to develop the same and ensure its compliance with internationally accepted standards on food and safety. The Landbank of the Philippines is hereby mandated to formulate a Coconut Sugar Credit Facility and Loan Package Window, which shall extend tlow interest loans to small and medium enterprises seeking to venture into the business of promoting the consumption and utilization of coconut sugar. | This measure seeks to further boost the coconut industry in the country by providing the mechanisms to fund the research and development (R&D) of coco sugar to ensure this product’s conformity with internationally accepted standards for food and safety. This measure intends to improve the lives of Filipino families who are directly and indirectly dependent on the coconut industry. | https://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3093227794!.pdf |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 266 | 2020 | 18th | An Act Creating The Coconut Farmers And Industry Trust Fund, Providing For Its Management And Utilization, Reconstituting For The Purpose The Philippine Coconut Authority (Pca) And For Other Purposes | This bill shall also reconstitute the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) with the majority of the Board members coming from the coconut farmers and industry sectors. The reconstituted PCA shall craft the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan, manage the Trust Fund; including its investment to government securities and implement the Plan through the implementing agencies. A menu of programs to be funded by the Trust Fund are also listed in the bill. In order to expedite the rehabilitation and development of the coconut industry, the Trust Fund shall be maintained for a period of twenty-five (25) years from the effectivity of this proposed measure. This bill also guarantees an annual appropriation of Ten Billion Pesos (PI0,0000,000.00) for the PCA to augment the Trust Fund and support other programs that will increase the income of farmers. | This measure mandates the Privatization and Management Office (PMO) to privatize all assets acquired through the use of the Coco Levy Funds. Upon privatization, the funds generated shall then be transferred to a Trust Fund to be known as the Coconut Farmers and Industry Fund, to be created under this proposed legislation. | https://www.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/3054927409!.pdf |
Coconut Programs
Agency | Program Title | Program Description |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Productivity Management Program | This Program aims to provide a holistic approach in the delivery of interventions in the farm-level. It is focused on contributing to the desired state of a well-managed production responsive to the demand of the industry for both coconut and oil palm. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Agricultural Research Program | This Program aims to provide a farm-driven and farmer-focused research outputs that will address the challenges, as well as support the interventions under the Productivity Enhancement Program. It is focused on contributing to the desired state of a well-managed production responsive to the demand of the industry. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Community Enterprise Development Program | This Program aims to provide a holistic approach in delivering interventions to provide access to additional income sources for the coconut farmers. This community development system will provide a venue for the transition of coconut farmers from subsistence farming to agribusinessizing, primarily for primary processing. This introduction of cocopreneurship to farmers intends to contribute to the desired state of increased income for farmers |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Cocohub Enterprise Development Program | This Program aims to provide a holistic approach in delivering interventions to provide coconut farmer organizations (CFOs) a more commercial enterprise undertaking. This enterprise development system will provide a formal business set-up structured to domestically utilize coconut for final processing for the market. This intends to contribute to the desired state of increased competitiveness of coconut products to expand market reach. Project: Community/Household-level Coconut Processing Project |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Product Development Program | This Program aims to provide a market-driven, processor and consumer-focused research outputs that will address the challenges, as well as support the interventions under the Enterprise Development Programs. This intends to contribute to the desired state of increased competitiveness of coconut products to expand market reach. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Accelerated Coconut Planting and Replanting Program (ACPRP) | This program aims to promote the full utilization of idle lands suitable for palm and coconut production. ACPRP is a set of interventions designed to stimulate planting and replanting of coconut farms in the country. It will help address the high demand of coconut products and by products both domestically and internationally. It is also an effort to step up to retain the country’s position as one of the world’s leading supplier of coconut products and as the second top coconut producing country. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Indigenous People Outreach Project (IPOP) | This project was devised to encourage the “Lumads” or Indigenous people to develop their lands for coconut production. Like the CSDP, this project involves the distribution of good quality seedlings to the participants and at the same time giving them Php20.00 monetary incentive for every coconut tree established on the field. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | National Coconut Planting/Replanting (Participatory Coconut Planting Program) | Coconut planting and replanting using open pollinated varieties (OPVs) in identified idle open areas suitable for coconut planting, and in area where senile coconut trees are cut in accordance with the implementation of RA 8048. |
Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) | Oil Palm Industry Development Program | The Smallholders Oil Palm Plantation Development Project aims to develop highly suitable idle lands into oil palm plantation and/or undertake replanting of existing oil palm plantations using high yield F1 hybrids to increase areas allotted to oil palm and improve the current oil palm populations. It also involves the identification of farmers with existing oil palm plantation especially those with outgrowership arrangement with the oil palm mills and providing them with appropriate fertilizers to rehabilitate the palm to increase production. |
FAO / PCA / DAR / DENR / NCIP | Coconut-Based Farming Systems programme | This program is part of the FAO’s USD 39.7 million Typhoon Haiyan Strategic Response Plan aiming to address the recovery needs of affected farming families. Through the programme, activities were designed to enable small-scale coconut farmers to plant short term vegetable cash crops and annual crops to provide alternative livelihood sources, while also integrating climate-smart farming technologies. By providing alternative coconut-based farming livelihoods in the targeted communities, the programme helped restore agricultural production, increased access to alternative certified seeds and quality planting materials, improved crop varieties and animal breeds, and introduced new methods of agro-ecology. |
Data Source: Philippine Statistics Authority update as of May 30, 2024.
- Volume of production of Coconut (with husk) in metric tons
- Area of production of coconut in hectares
- Yield of coconut in metric tons
- Value of Production at Current Prices in Million PhP
- Value of Production at Constant 2018 Prices in Million PhP
- Wholesale Price, Coconut matured, (Old Series:1990-2009), peso per kilogram
- Wholesale Price, Coconut matured, (New Series:2010-2023), peso per kilogram
- Farmgate Price, Coconut matured, (Old Series:1990-2009), peso per kilogram
- Farmgate Price, Coconut matured, (New Series:2010-2023), peso per kilogram
- Retail Price, Coconut matured (Old Series:1990-2011), peso per kilogram, peso per kilogram
- Retail Price, Matured coconut, medium, 1 pc, (2012-based:2012-2017), peso per kilogram, peso per kilogram
- Retail Price, Matured coconut, medium, 1 pc, (2018-based:2018-2023), peso per kilogram, peso per kilogram
ISP for Coconut
PCAARRD ISP on Coconut aims to address low productivity due to existing coconut stands predominantly with old and senile palms, coconut farms devastation due to typhoon throughout the country, and coconut scale insect infestation in CALABARZON, Basilan, and Zamboanga.
Strategic R&D
Strategic R&D is DOST-PCAARRD’s banner program comprising all R&D activities that are intended to
generate outputs geared towards maximum economic and social benefits
Biological Control of Coconut Scale Insects (CSI)
Aspidiotus rigidus, an invasive pest commonly known as coconut scale insect (CSI) reached devastating outbreak levels in different areas in...
Read MoreCoconut Hybridization Program
Geared towards guaranteeing the production and ensuring sustainability of quality hybrids for the production of selected high-value products including coconut...
Read MoreCoconut genomics-Assisted Molecular Breeding
The Coconut Genomics Program aims to improve coconut productivity through genomics-assisted marker selection for yield traits and molecular breeding of...
Read MorePCA-Recommended Coconut Hybrids and Cultivars for VCO and Coconut Sap Sugar
Through the utilization of coconut genetic resources for high value products, best performing hybrids and varieties recommended for commercial production...
Read MoreTechnologies
Products, equipment, and protocols or process innovations developed to improve productivity, efficiency,
quality, and profitability in the agriculture and aquatic industries, and to achieve sustainable
utilization and management of natural resources
Coconut Somatic Embryogenesis Technology (CSet)
The CSet Program, a 5-year program funded by DOST-PCAARRD, aims to mass propagate coconut planting materials using plumular tissues of identified tall, dwarf and hybrid varieties through coconut somatic embryogenesis....
Read MoreTechnology Transfer Initiatives
Technology transfer initiatives ensure that the outputs of R&D and innovations are transformed
into viable and applicable technologies that help intended users
Pinoy S&T Services for Farmers and Entrepreneurs Program (PSF): Magsasaka Siyentista-Led Community-Based Coconut And Banana Farming Systems In Davao Del Norte
This project aims to promote the Integrated Crop Management and Good Agricultural Practices in banana and coconut farming system in Typhoon Pablo-affected municipalities of Davao del Norte through Magsasaka-Siyentista-led approach....
Read MorePinoy S&T Services for Farmers and Entrepreneurs Program (PSF): Magsasaka Siyentista-Led Community Based Coconut And Banana Production Systems In Compostela Valley Province
This project will promote the coconut and banana intercropping systems in Monkayo and Nabunturan in Compostela Valley province through the Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) approach. One MS from each of the...
Read MoreCommunity-Based STBF Project in Improving Coco Sap Production and Safety Primary Processing in Selected Municipalities of Davao del Sur
The Philippine coco sugar industry can be aptly described as a “sunrise industry”. At present, the industry is at its growth stage and is expected to be increasingly important in...
Read MoreCertification, Packaging Enhancement and Promotion of Coco Sugar
This project intends to create and expand the market of coco sugar through certification, packaging enhancement and promotion. The Philippine Coconut Industry is pushing for the increase in coco sugar...
Read MoreBiological Interventions In Coconut Scale Insect (CSI) Calamity Areas In Basilan, ARMM – Phase II
The project aims to address the urgent need to continuously control the devastations brought about by the Coconut Scale Insect (CSI) infestation in Basilan Island. It intends to continue benefiting...
Read MoreBiological Interventions in Coconut Scale Insect (CSI) Calamity Areas in Basilan, ARMM
The project is intended to address the urgent need of containing the devastations brought about by the infestation of the Coconut Scale Insects (CSI) in Basilan. Since 2010, CSI has...
Read MoreCoconut-Based Intercropping with Banana and Corn as Livelihood Options for Communities in Brgy Camansihay, Tacloban, Leyte: An S&T Community-Based Farm (STCBF) Approach
The proposed project will try to demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of the technologies on improving farm productivity through organic farming in Yolanda-affected communities, particularly in one barangay of Tacloban...
Read MoreBiological Control of Invasive Pests of Coconut Using Predatory Black Earwig, Chelisoches morio (Fabr.) (Chelisochidae, Dermaptera) in S&T Community-Based Farm in Nagcarlan, Laguna
This project intends to showcase the effectiveness of Chelisoches morio (Fabr.) as a biological control agent of invasive pests of coconut in increasing the productivity and income of coconut farmers...
Read MoreCapacity Building
Capacity building efforts of DOST-PCAARRD seek to develop and enhance the R&D capabilities of researchers
and academic or research institutions through graduate assistantships & non-degree trainings
and development and/or upgrading of research facilities
Infrastructure Development
Manpower Development
Capacity building on Coconut Genomics Program
Policy Research & Advocacy
Analysis of policy concerns and advocacy of science-informed policies ensures that the AANR policy environment is conducive for S&T development
and investments

Competitiveness of Philippine Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) under the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)
Producing VCO in the Philippines is competitive in terms of exports and import substitution. This implies that the country earns foreign exchange from exporting VCO. There is also no need to import said product from other countries because producing it is domestically cheaper. As long as the average yield (4.84 mt/ha in 2017) does not decrease by 54 percent, or domestic cost does not grow by 102 percent, the country will still be able to sustain its competitiveness in exporting VCO.
Lapiña, G. F. and Andal, E. T. (2017). ASEAN Economic Community: Opportunities and Challenges for the Crops Sector. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources