Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Swine Industry Profile

The Philippine swine industry is participated by players through various levels and sectors. These include the input sector (breeders, and feeds and pharmaceutical suppliers), farm sector, and processing sector. Two general farm types are present in the country – backyard and commercial farms. Backyard farms usually have 1 to 20 adult hogs, 1 to 10 adult hogs with 1 to 21 young hogs, or 1 to 40 young hogs. Commercial farms, on the other hand, have more than 20 adult hogs or more than 10 adult hogs with at least 22 young hogs or more than 40 young hogs. Unlike backyard hog farms, commercial hog farms are usually backward integrated and produce their own feeds for production. In 2015, 64 percent of the national swine inventory was contributed by backyard farms, with the remaining 36 percent sourced from commercial. Based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) as of 2019, the top swine-producing provinces in the country are Bulacan, Batangas, Bukidnon, Tarlac, and Rizal. Based on data from the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) as of 2019, the top swine-producing provinces in the country are Bulacan, Batangas, Bukidnon, Tarlac, and Rizal.

Problems in the Industry

With the continuously increasing demand for pork, there is a constant struggle to supply feeds for swine production. However, production of corn, which is a main source of feed for pigs, is still yet to catch up with the demand. Thus, the swine inputs sub-sector has become highly dependent on importing feed ingredients, as well as health and veterinary materials. This results in higher input prices, which is eventually reflected in the retail prices of pork and its derivative products. Another issue being faced by the swine industry is the prevalence of the African Swine Fever (ASF), which is a serious viral disease affecting swine with almost 100% fatality rate. The Philippines confirmed its first ASF outbreak in July 2019 with cases coming from Luzon, Mindanao, Leyte, and Samar Islands. Several reports have also stated the presence of ASF from wild pigs/boars residing within the forests of Malibcong Municipality and Kalinga Province. Through Proclamation No. 1143 s. 2021, the country was declared to be in a state of calamity due to the drastic increase in ASF cases. As of May 2021, ASF has spread to 12 regions, 46 provinces, 493 cities and municipalities, and 2,561 villages.

Swine Policies

Swine Programs

ISP for Swine

DOST-PCAARRD, through the Swine ISP, supports R&D initiatives aimed at addressing the current problems in the swine industry, developing technologies and systems that are expected to improve productivity and production efficiency, and creating new opportunities to increase the overall competitiveness of the Philippine swine industry.

Strategic R&D

Strategic R&D is DOST-PCAARRD’s banner program comprising all R&D activities that are intended to
generate outputs geared towards maximum economic and social benefits


Products, equipment, and protocols or process innovations developed to improve productivity, efficiency,
quality, and profitability in the agriculture and aquatic industries, and to achieve sustainable
utilization and management of natural resources

ASFV Nanogold Biosensor Test Kit

The ASFV Nanold Biosensor test kit is a nucleic acid-based assay that is a combination of LAMP and nanotechnology where gold nanoparticles are used to aggregate with amplified DNA genetic...

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Gene marker technology

To increase sow productivity, the application of gene marker technology was developed by the Philippine Carabao Center (PCC) and Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) in partnership with the Accredited Swine...

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Technology Transfer Initiatives

Technology transfer initiatives ensure that the outputs of R&D and innovations are transformed
into viable and applicable technologies that help intended users

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Capacity Building

Capacity building efforts of DOST-PCAARRD seek to develop and enhance the R&D capabilities of researchers
and academic or research institutions through graduate assistantships & non-degree trainings
and development and/or upgrading of research facilities

Infrastructure Development

Philippine Native Pig Research, Development and Extension Center

Swine Genetic Analytical Service Laboratory

Manpower Development

Policy Research and Advocacy

Analysis of policy concerns and advocacy of science-informed policies ensures that the AANR policy environment is conducive for S&T development
and investments

Prospects for Swine Farms in the Philippines

The demand for pork increases as the population increases. Given that Filipinos are pork-eaters, the per capita pork consumption of Filipinos is projected to continuously increase in the next 5 years. Also related to market demand is the emergence of niche markets for the industry. An example is natural or organic products, starting with native swine, where consumers are willing to pay a premium price for the products. ASEAN Integration would bring in an additional 500 million more consumers, meaning, the global market is right at the country’s backyard.

With the Philippines recognized and declared free from Foot and Mouth Disease without vaccination (by zones), along with the ASEAN integration, there is an opportunity for exportation of pork and pork products. This, however, is possible with the assumption that farms will be able to make their cost of production more competitive. There are also opportunities for contract growing as they not only provide the inputs but also the technological and financial assistance needed by the cooperator or the grower.


Manalo, N. Q. and Dorado, R. A. (2017). ASEAN Economic Community: Opportunities and Challenges for the Livestock and Forestry Sector. Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development – (Project Report)

Market Advisory

Market-related advisory services that are product of market scanning done by continually and actively monitoring the external environment in order to identify customer needs, anticipate competitive actions, and, identify technological changes which may provide new market opportunities or market disruptions. The advisories provide a variety of information, including selection of market outlets, emerging demand, technological advances, and potential business partners, among others.
To be able to run their business as a modern venture, clients will be provided with information to adapt/respond to market change based on changing market conditions and opportunities. The emerging demand/trends may have direct effect on both demand for skills improvement and the competencies needed to promote market-oriented enterprises.
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