Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Signature goat for Cagayan Valley

To establish a functional slaughter goat breed for Region 2 that over time can be called the Cagayan Valley Signature Goat, R&D focused on the continuous promotion of an organized breeding and selection program to produce crossbred meat goats with similar morphometric characteristics and blood composition of 75% Boer, 18.75% Native, and 6.25% Anglo Nubian.Ā Ā Ā 

By June 2021, 32 farms have already been trained on adopting a breeding plan to produce Cagayan Valley (CV) goats in Cagayan, Isabela, and Quirino. Of these 32 farms, 11 are already producing the CV Signature Goat currently with a very small population of 906hd, which are continuously being monitored by the Isabela State University-Cagayan Valley Small Ruminant Research Center.Ā  Initial data shows mean birth weight at 2.8kg, weaning weight at 16.3kg, and slaughter at 29.2kg.Ā  These goats have a body length of around 26.04 inches and a height of 26.50 inches.Ā  Morphometrically similar in characteristics, these CV goats are longer and taller than the other groups of upgraded goats.Ā  Inter se mating has been initiated to stabilize the CV signature goat and production performance and selection of stocks will continue to be gathered over the next couple of years.

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