Fattening of crabs is an easy-to-learn technology and can be a good means of improving the livelihood of coastal communities because it is profitable and involves lesser risks due to its short duration of culture. Likewise, it can be a business enterprise for small to medium ā scale farmers. This has been done in many coastal communities although not commonly combined with polyculture system.Ā
A much improved system consisting of use of more durable/plastic crab cages/ boxes (made of 80% high density polyethylene material) in a polyculture pond system (crab and fish, such as milkfish and/or siganid) was introduced. The high density crab boxes are light, easy to maintain, and last for more than 5 years compared to bamboos and other materials. Moreover, the use of plastic cages/boxes showed that the water circulation was more efficient compared with bamboo cages.Ā
A total of six farmer beneficiaries adopted the technology and were trained on crab fattening. The project also established partnerships with the fisherfolk of coastal communities in Concepcion, Iloilo and in Pontevedra, Pan-ay and Ivisan, Capiz.