Genomic Approaches to Support Giant Clam Mariculture and Conservation
The UPD-MSI project through DOST-PCAARRD, generated the first transcriptome assemblies for all the eight giant clam species found in the Philippines and for the first time, described the unique structure of the giant clam 28S rRNA genes. Common or unique genes to each of the species revealed a comprehensive picture of the genes that are important for growth, development, survival, and stress tolerance.
Also, genes involved in neurotransmitter signaling in controlling the transition of larvae into juveniles of two giant clam species were also observed. These genetic resources and information generated may be harnessed to improve giant clam survival in culture and increase mariculture yield and to develop tools for monitoring giant clam populations on the reefs. These findings bolster ongoing conservation efforts by contributing to our understanding of how giant clams can adapt to survive in a rapidly changing ocean environment.
Giant Clam Conservation Bright Spots in Mindanao: Status of Giant Clams and its Implications to Conservation and Governance
Davao del Norte State College (DNSC) showed positive impacts on providing both biological and socioeconomic benefits of giant clams restocking sites in Mindanao. The restocking sites in Camiguin and Samal Islands strongly indicated that restocked clams can supply larvae to adjacent reef areas. Both areas emerged as sustainable ecotourism sites on giant clams and serve as a source of livelihood for the coastal communities.
A Call to Protect Giant Clams in Palawan
Studies conducted by the Western Philippines University (WPU) showed that the highest densities of giant clams were observed at a few well-managed reserves and that the presence of giant clam juveniles suggests that local recruitment is successful at some sites. Information dissemination activities were conducted to feedback the results, increase awareness on giant clam conservation, and encourage continuous restocking activities in Taytay, Port Barton, Binduyan, Narra, Brooke’s Point, Puerto Princesa, state colleges of Zamboanga, Malampaya Foundation, and Protected Area management Board (PAMB). This will hopefully trigger the development of local policies and increase vigilance on the illegal harvesting of giant clams in Palawan.
As an initial response, the Malampaya Foundation Inc. forged a partnership with WPU in in situ induced spawning, nursery rearing, and restocking of giant clams. At present, there is an ongoing restocking of hatchery-produced Tridacna squamosa and Tridacna gigas in six localities in Palawan.