Commercial Scale Testing of Breeder Itik Pinas Purelines
Project I will establish nucleus and multiplier farms in implementing agencies (CLSU, NSPRDC-BAI, ISU, DA-RFO 11, SKSU, WVSU, WMSU) that will produce IP-purelines such as IP-Itim, IP-Khaki and IP-Kayumanggi. Production performance of IP-Itim and IP-Khaki will be evaluated to establish breed standards for the said purelines. This project will promote production of IP-purelines in 7 regions of the Philippines which opens opportunities for easier access to IP-purelines. The objectives of this project is to verify the performance of the IP itim, IP khaki, IP kayumanggi under commercial scale farm conditions, and initiate the establishment of a duck breeding and hatchery farm to ensure stable supply of Itik Pinas pure lines and hybrids. The completion of the project will establish commercial scale nucleus and multiplier farms to ensure stable supply of IP itim and Khaki (pure lines), establish commercial scale multiplier farms to ensure stable supply of commercial layer IP kayumanggi, and establish breed standards for the IP itim and khaki.
Evaluation of the Production Performance and Egg Quality of IP-Kayumanggi in Selected Duck Egg Producing Regions of the Philippines
Terminal line of ITIK PINAS (IP-Kayumanggi) will be distributed to farmer cooperators in selected regions for evaluation. Production performance of IP-Kayumanggi from growing to laying period and egg quality will be documented. Data collected will be used to develop breed standard of IP-Kayumanggi. This project aims to increase production efficiency of duck raising in commercial farms using terminal line IP-Kayumanggi. The objective of this study is to verify the production performance and egg quality of the pure lines and hybrid line of the newly developed Philippine mallard duck breed under commercial scale, establish the standard of IP kayumanggi based on the results, develop recommendation for sustained production performance and egg quality of the newly developed breed of Philippine mallard duck, promote the adoption of the newly developed breed of Philippine mallard duck using actual farm trials as a modality to encourage farmers, and provide a starting point for establishment of an organized duck egg production system in participating regions; 6. Promote stable supply of balut and salted eggs through the use of newly developed breed of Philippine mallard duck.
Duck Egg and Meat Products Processing Innovations
This project intends to establish quality parameters and standards for the entire value chain of duck eggs. Raw materials, in-process and finished products will be subjected to physical, chemical, sensory and microbiological evaluation to be able to evaluate product viability considering both food safety and commercial viability. The aim in establishing the quality characteristics is to be able to design processing methods that will be able to develop new products and extend the shelf life of duck egg and meat products to enhance commercial viability. The completion of the project will provide nutrient profile and value of duck egg and duck egg products and unique dietary value of duck egg products, functionality of duck egg components that can be used in developing innovative duck products, processing and packaging innovations that will increase the quality and shelf-life of duck egg products such as balut and salted egg, Philippine national standards for duck egg products, and uniformity in quality of duck egg products for competitive pricing and increase consumer preference over alternative goods; 6. Increase duck egg product consumption because of enhanced consumer confidence.
Innovative Marketing and Distribution Systems of Itik Pinas and Egg Products
The project addresses the need of the duck industry for an established breeding system of the newly developed Philippine mallard duck (Itik Pinas), national standards for production performance and egg quality. The objectives of the project are establishment of the nutritional value of balut and other duck egg products, identification of functional nutrients of balut and other duck egg products, understanding the Filipino history and culture on balut and other duck egg products consumption, use the knowledge on the nutritional value and functional attributes of nutrients and other components of balut and other duck egg products in developing innovative processing techniques for traditional and new duck egg products, and develop processing and packaging techniques that will uplift the value and acceptability as well as shelf-life of duck egg products. The completion of this project will result in modalities in promoting newly developed mallard duck breeders and duck egg products, innovative marketing techniques for duck breeders, balut and other duck egg products, increase duck egg product consumption because of enhance consumer interest and confidence, and competitive price for quality duck breeders and duck egg products