A quarter (Ā¼) spiral upward tapping cut measured from 1.10m height above the ground with tapping angle of 450 and expected rubber lifespan of up to 30 years using virgin bark.
Latex harvesting in rubber is considered the costliest operation that contributes to 1/3 of the total cost of production. It also requires a certain level of skill tappers which is partly associated with the problem of skilled tapper shortage since a tapper can only handle one ha/t/d using conventional tapping system (S2d2). This research study evaluated and verified the novel technology of using a novel low frequency tapping system (upward and downward S4) which have been introduced in Some rubber producing countries like Thailand, Indonesia, India, and China. This tapping system maximizes rubber lifespan of up to 30 years vs conventional tapping system with bark overconsumption. In addition, the tapping system was also shown to have higher ROI (49-70%) compared to conventional tapping (29-53%).