Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Philippine Native Pig Breed Information System

The project titled ā€œDevelopment of Philippine Native Pig Breed Information Systemā€ is a 2-year project funded by DOST-PCAARRD. This project aims to create record forms to collect data on the morphology, morphometric traits, and reproductive performance of native pigs. To summarize relevant information for each native pig breed or strain, descriptive statistics were used. Furthermore, these record forms served as the foundation for the creation of the online recording system. A database structure was created based on the relationships between the data that would be collected via the record forms.

In this project, (1) data collection and recording were standardized by having a common understanding of the collection procedure and using the same recording sheets and manual; (2) project staff and some key personnel were trained on record keeping; (3) a website was created showcasing qualitative and quantitative traits of different native pig breed/strains; and (4) a web-based information system was developed and preliminary pilot testing activities were conducted.

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