Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Potential Endophytes against white root rot and major and emerging leaf diseases of rubber

White root rot (WRR) manifests conspicuously within regions 9, 10, and 12. Healthy root specimens were collected and subjected to laboratory processing to facilitate the isolation of fungal endophytes, resulting in the purification of 53 distinct fungal endophytes. Among these, the top 3 fungal endophytes exhibiting notable efficacy against WRR were discerned through a dual culture test. Presently, a refinement phase is underway for the mass production protocol, with an imminent deployment in field trials for subsequent screening. The objective is to identify a single and most promising endophyte with biocontrol potential against WRR.

For leaf diseases, seven (7) foliar diseases of rubber were characterized and assessed for severity infection such as Colletotrichum leaf spot, Corynespora leaf fall/spot, Phytophthora leaf fall/blight, powdery mildew, birdā€™s eye-spot disease, Pestalotiopsis leaf fall, and the algal spot disease. First country report of Colletotrichum siamense was also documented in this study. On the other hand, 321 endophytic fungi were isolated in pure culture and was evaluated in vitro for potential biocontrol. Eighteen (18) endophytes were highly antagonistic and identified as potential biocontrol against rubber pathogens such as Colletotrichum sp., Corynespora cassiicola, Phytophthota palmivora, and Pestalotiopsis sp. Further evaluation on the effectiveness of 18 potential biocon in the nursery (in planta) was conducted as well as the testing on its endophytic nature for efficient colonization and effective control.

Representative documentation of dual culture assay of effective endophytic fungi (right) against R. lignosus (left)
Quadrant culture assay of effective leaf endophytes against major leaf diseases of rubber

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