Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Refined Mangrove Crab Hatchery Technology

The program titled “Program A. Refinement of Mud Crab Hatchery Technology” is composed of the following projects: 

  • Project 1. Development of techniques for mass production of marine annelids as feed for mud crab broodstock
  • Project 2. Improvement of larval rearing hatchery
  • Project 3. Promotion of mud crab hatchery and nursery technologies in selected sites
  • Project 4. Pilot demonstration for commercial scale model mud crab hatchery in Bohol
  • Project 5. Sustainable production of mud crab through selective breeding

This program aimed to provide a long term solution to the dependence of the mangrove crab industry on the supply of wild-caught mangrove crab by increasing the availability of hatchery-produced seedstocks for farming. It aimed to develop techniques for sustainable production of marine annelid, utilize marine annelid as feed for mangrove crab broodstock, evaluate commercially available shrimp formulated diets for feeding the mangrove crab larvae, reduce the use of prophylaxis in the mangrove crab seed production, determine the volume of wild caught seed stock in major collection sites and pond area used for crab farming, accelerate the dissemination of science-based mangrove crab hatchery technology to industry stakeholders & facilitate the establishment of mangrove crab hatcheries in various parts of the country (in collaboration with the private sectors).

The program was able to develop the breeding and mass culture techniques to mass produce pathogen-free marine annelid Marphysa mossambica in tanks. The improved hatchery technology was able to increase the survival rate in the hatchery to 3%. Moreover, thirteen (13) hatcheries were established all over the country. Additional four (4) hatcheries were established after the project and at least four (4) more private sectors are planning to establish mangrove crab hatchery.

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