Chrysanthemum is one of the fast earning crops due to its lucrative profit derived from growing it. In 2003, chrysanthemum ranked number one in terms of production volume with 10,610 MT contributing 46 percent of all cut flowers produced, which increased demands for cut flowers in Metro Manila (Bureau of Plant Industry, 2003). In the production period from 2000 to 2007, CAR produced 10,237 MT or 42% of the total production in the country (Sunshine Industry of the Philippines, 2007). In the absence of the latest statistics on the volume and demand of chrysanthemum in CAR, the La Trinidad Cutflower and Ornamental Growers Association (LATCOGA) (2016), reported that the supply for local market is not enough because the product find its way to Manila and in various parts of the country immediately upon harvest. In response to the gaps in chrysanthemum production, the Science and Technology-Based Farm (STBF) was conducted at Magsasaka Syentista (MS) Colteās farm in Bineng, La Trinidad, Benguet from July to October 2012 to improve the quality and productivity of chrysanthemum cutflower.Ā
The STBF Project (funded by PHILRAA, 2012-2013) was conducted, aimed at improving the quality & productivity of chrysanthemums and increasing the income of small scale farmers. Results indicated that the application of 20 to 25 t/ha of BSU-PCAARRD solid organic fertilizer combined with Trichoderma (10 g/hill) significantly produced the tallest plant height, highest number of stems, longest stem length and wide diameter of flower cluster. The proper amount and timing of applications of organic and inorganic farm inputs under the STBF produced the highest number of good quality under classes AA (80 cm) and class L (70 cm) cutflowers of spray type Chrysanthemum which were sold at a higher price. These resulted in higher net income for the 1st and 2nd cropping as compared with the MS practice. The Partial budget analysis showed that for the first cropping under the S&T interventions, the total sales of P54,200 was derived which resulted in a net income of Ph26,206 (Laurean, et.al.2015). The Package of Technologies (POT) adopted for the S&T intervention showcased the results of research conducted by the Benguet State University. With the encouraging results of the STBF, the need for STCBF is necessary to upscale the S & T intervention found in the regular STBF to showcase the effectiveness of S&T interventions to improve productivity, address needs & empower farmers in La Trinidad and encourage other producing chrysanthemum areas in Benguet and other areas where chrysanthemum is grown. This will further strengthen the cutflower industry in the region, specifically spray chrysanthemum.