The proposed project on spray-type chrysanthemum production will be implemented by the proponent in partnership with the LGU-La Trinidad through the Office of the Municipal Agriculture, PLGU- Benguet, Agricultural Training Institute (ATI-CAR) and with the La Trinidad Cutflowers and Oramentals Growers Association (LATCOGA). The upgrading of GAP Learning center for spray-type chrysanthemum production will be situated at MS Andy Colte’s farm in Bineng, La Trinidad, Benguet Facilities to be upgraded include receiving and lecture area, storage area for chemicals and farm tools and equipment, composting shed, rest rooms and a source of potable water.Ā
To further enhance spray-type chrysanthemum production, GAP procedures and production guides will be packaged that will serve as guides for cut flower growers applying the appropriate and recommended technologies through the S&T intervention. Success stories of the beneficiaries of the project will be documented and produced for promotional purposes to encourage other cut flower growers to adapt the recommended technologies. The establishment of GAP Learning center shall be selected based on the following criteria: 1) Recognize and active as Magsasaka Siyentista (MS) 2) Active member of LaTCOGA 3) Own an area of at least 500 square meters. 4) Voluntarily offering his/her area for technology demonstration and as a Learning Center 5) Willingness to share counterpart in the form of labor and/or other resources not covered by the project.