Industry Strategic Science and Technology Plans (ISPs) Platform

Science and Technology Model Farm (STMF) on Mango Production in Pampanga

The establishment of the STMF on mango production in Paradise Farm in Clark, Pampanga will serve as a show window of the recommended S&T interventions on mango production for wider promotion and adoption of the mango growers not only in Pampanga but the nearby provinces in Central Luzon. The recommended S&T interventions will include Integrated Crop Management (ICM) and Postharvest Quality Management (PQM), which will be religiously and correctly practiced by the farm owner through the technical supervision of the project team.

Apart from the capacity building, integrating the concepts of entrepreneurship will create additional business opportunities and employment. Thus, upscaling of the STMF is an appropriate mechanism to widely realize the value of technologies as a tool in developing the production efficiency and performance of the mango sector in the region. The farmer participatory approach as implemented in the STBF and STCBF which is the same modality to be used in the STMF was found to be an effective technology transfer strategy to convince most of the farmers particularly the progressive ones with financial capability to rehabilitate and improve their mango farms. Moreover, the baseline data will be collected and analyzed for the comparison of the production performance and profitability analysis.

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