Project 1. Transplantation and spatfall determination of green mussel, Perna viridis
Project 2. Raft and long-line culture of the green mussel, Perna viridis
Project 3. Causes and management of mass mortality in the culture of green mussel, Perna viridisĀ
Project 4. Modeling for site selection to new culture area expansionĀ
Project 5. The production of safe mussels using environment-friendly culture methods in sites along urban areasĀ
This program was developed to improve the grow-out technology for the sustainable mussel industry. It was implemented to increase the production of mussels through transplanting mussel broodstock and seedstock in areas where mussels are not yet cultivated. It improved existing culture methods through the development of a more accurate way of spatfall prediction and more efficient spat collectors. For grow-out, raft and longline methods were used for the sustainable cultivation of bivalves.
The development of more efficient spat collectors and protocols for the transportation and transplantation of broodstocks and spats would increase the potential production and income of mussel farmers. It also provided the technology to be able to introduce mussel culture in potential areas for expansion. Moreover, it explored eco-friendly technology such as the raft and longline methods that reduce the shallowing of mussel beds by 30% due to the sedimentation effect brought by the traditional stake method. As a result, The Philippines Recommends for Mussel and Manual on the Longline Culture of Green Mussel were published.