Duck Industry Profile
The Philippine duck industry is valued at Php 5.1 billion, and it serves as a source of livelihood for more than 500 thousand families. The products from ducks are duck eggs and duck meat. For duck egg products, there are balut which is a boiled fertilized duck egg with a nearly-developed embryo, penoy which is an unfertilized duck egg, and salted egg which is produced by soaking duck eggs in brine. For duck meat, there are pekin, muscovy and culled layers.
A total of 11.8 million of duck inventory was reported by PSA for 2020, from which 7.8 million were grown in backyard farms and 4 million were grown in commercial farms. Central Luzon is the leading duck producing region with a total of 4 million ducks with 2.8 million are from commercial farms. The other leading regions are Soccsksargen, Western Visayas, and Calabarzon. The top region for duck eggs is still Central Luzon with 22,435 out of the countryās total of 50,484 duck eggs. Western Visayas and Northern Mindanao are the other top producing regions of duck eggs.
Problems in the Industry
The Philippine duck industry faces the challenges of high cost of inputs and unstable prices of duck and egg products, limited performance testing of ItikPINAS in strategic provinces/regions, limited product innovations, limited balut product safety standards and protocols, and absence of legitimate local duck meat industry.

- Policies and Programs
Duck Policies
Policy Type | Policy Number | Policy Year | Congress | Policy Title | Policy Description | Policy Objective | Policy Link | Commodity | Classification | info_encoder_stamp | info_date_stamp | info_quashing_remarks | filepath |
Order | Department of Agriculture – Administrative Circular Order No. 11 | 2019 | Null | Implementing Rules And Regulations Of The Philippine Native Layer Ducj Breeder Farm Certification Program (PNLDBFCP) | To support and promote the profitable utilization of native animals, the Department of Agriculture created the Philippine Native Animal Development Frogram IPNADJ under DA AO No. 15 of 20L0, which aims to conserve and develop domesticated native food animals. This endeavor is currently being complemented by Senate Bill No. 144 that aims to establish Philippine Native Animal Center in different regions of the country. The private sector is encouraged to take active part in the production of good quality breeder stocks. However, the native animal raisers are now clamoring for a breeder farm certification system to serve as guide for native animals breeder and multiplier farms in ensuring continuous genetic improvement and sustained production of genetically superior breeder stocks. In order to harmonize these initiatives, the PNAD Technical Working Group [TWG] is proposing the implementation of a native layer duck breeder farm certification program. Through this program, native layer duck breeder farms shall be registered and certified as source of good quality breeder stocks. | This Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) shall apply to the registration and certification of native layer duck breeder farms for the purpose of ensuring continuous genetic improvement and reliable source of good quality breeder stocks. | https://www.bai.gov.ph/media/fludadhs/da-administrative-circular-no-11-implementing-rules-and-regulations-of-the-philippine-native-layer-duck-breeder-farm-certification-program-pnldbfcp.pdf | Duck | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Duck_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Guidelines/Strategies | Philippine National Standard – Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP) for Ducks PNS/BAFS 271:2019 ICS 65.020.30 | 2019 | Null | Philippine National Standard – Code of Good Animal Husbandry Practice (GAHP) for Ducks PNS/BAFS 271:2019 | This code sets out the general principles of good practice and minimum requirements for the production, handling, transportation and storage of ducks and its products within the farm, in the commercial or backyard rearing/farming of broiler and layer ducks for food use. Industry specific requirements for the different types of ducks and different types of production system may be developed provided that it satisfies the minimum requirements set out in this Code. | This code intends to ensure that the farming practices of the establishment provide greater confidence in consumersā expectations that the final products are safe and fit for human consumption, while improving farmersā viability, ensuring health safety and comfort to both the farm workers and ducks, and sustaining the least damage to the environment. | https://bafs.da.gov.ph/bafs_admin/admin_page/pns_file/PNS%20BAFS%20271-2019-final%20draft%20GAHP%20for%20Ducks.pdf | Duck | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Duck_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 585 | 2016 | 17th | An Act Creating The Philippine Center For Duck Research And Development To Promote The Philippine Duck Industry And For Other Purposes | The thrust of this bill is in consonance with the expressed policies of the State to develop and promote a self-reliant national economy, encourage and support private enterprise so as to generate employment and livelihood opportunities especially for the poor and the marginalized. Further, it supports another priority course of action of the State to develop the country’s human resource through training and education particularly in science and technology. Notably, the creation of a Center for Duck Research and development in the Philippines hopes to alleviate living conditions in local communities and at the same time contribute to the growth of the national economy. | This bill seeks to establish the Philippine Center for Duck Research and Development (PCDRD) that will undertake focused policies, programs, and projects on duck breeding, production, and marketing systems. The PCDRD also intends to conduct training and capacity-building for duck farmers, as well as provide other forms of support and technical assistance to beneficiaries | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/2405420708!.pdf | Duck | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Duck_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Bill | Senate Bill No. 292 | 2010 | 15th | An Act Creating The Philippine Center For Duck Research And Development To Promote The Philippine Duck Industry And For Other Purposes | SEC. 2. Declaration of Policy. – The Constitution provides that the State shall develop a self-reliant and independent national economy effectively controlled by Filipinos. It also provides that the State support indigenous and appropriate technological capacities that will upgrade national productivity and economy. The development of the Philippine duck industry is a significant measure towards the goal of maximizing and modernizing the country’s agro-industrial capabilities. Specifically, the Philippine Duck Act serves to promote research and development in breeding, nutrition, production, post-harvest and processing including the marketing system of duck eggs, meat, feathers, and other products. | This bill seeks to establish the Philippine Center for Duck Research and Development (PCDRO) that will undertake focused policies, programs, and projects on duck breeding, production, and marketing systems. The PCDRD also intends to conduct training and capacity-building for duck farmers, as well as provide other forms of support and technical assistance to beneficiaries. | https://legacy.senate.gov.ph/lisdata/78796312!.pdf | Duck | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Duck_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx | |
Order | Department of Agriculture – Administrative Order No. 32 | 2005 | Null | Guidelines on Duck Production and Management | Avian influenza is a major threat to public health and to the Philippine poultry industry, foreign investments, the World Health Organization (WHO) and all other concerned organizations are all gearing for AI pandemic preparedness while European Union (EU) declared a global threat to Avian Influenza. It is the duty of the Department of Agriculture, through the Bureau of Animal Industry to protect the local poultry and livestock population from communicable diseases. | This AO prescribes guidelines in the management of duck farms. | http://spsissuances.da.gov.ph/attachments/article/568/DA%20AO%2032,%202005.pdf | Duck | Null | Jeff | 11/22/2024 | C:\Users\trist\Documents\Formatting\Output\Duck_2024-11-22_processed.xlsx |
ISP for Duck
IP-Khahi and IP-Kayumanggi and has established breeder multiplier farms in CLSU, BAI-NSPRDC, WVSU,
WMSU and DA RFO X1. Going forward, Duck ISP aims to increase average egg production, develop signature Philippine meat-type duck breeding populations, increase local duck meat production, and utilize duck meat production technologies by the private sector.
Strategic R&D
Strategic R&D is DOST-PCAARRDās banner program comprising all R&D activities that are intended to
generate outputs geared towards maximum economic and social benefits
Development of Sustainable Philippine Mallard Duck Production System
The Duck Industry Association of the Philippines Inc. (DIAPI), which was organized in 2002 has indicated that currently the productivity...
Read MoreItik for life Program for Sustainability of Philippine Duck Industry
Commercial Scale Testing of Breeder Itik Pinas Purelines Project I will establish nucleus and multiplier farms in implementing agencies (CLSU,...
Read MoreInnovative Marketing and Distribution System of Ethnic Duck Egg Delicacies and New Products
A marketing plan and a distribution plan are relevant in providing effective strategies that promote industry growth and better resource...
Read MoreTechnologies
Products, equipment, and protocols or process innovations developed to improve productivity, efficiency,
quality, and profitability in the agriculture and aquatic industries, and to achieve sustainable
utilization and management of natural resources
Salted egg w/ longer shelf life
UPLB together with the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PCAARRD) developed a special film preservative developed from...
Read MoreSpray-dried salted duck egg powder
The Spray-dried salted duck egg powder not only offers flavor but also provides product innovations in the market. Spray-dried salted duck egg powders are lighter in color and have finer...
Read MoreBalut vending machine
The balut vending machine is an egg vending machine that is fully automated, equipped with a heating system. The goal is to increase the marketability of duck eggs across the...
Read MoreCapacity Building
Capacity building efforts of DOST-PCAARRD seek to develop and enhance the R&D capabilities of researchers
and academic or research institutions through graduate assistantships & non-degree trainings
and development and/or upgrading of research facilities
Policy Research & Advocacy
Analysis of policy concerns and advocacy of science-informed policies ensures that the AANR policy environment is conducive for S&T development
and investments

Competitiveness of Philippine Duck Industry under the ASEAN Economic Community
The study revealed that layer duck is neither competitive in the export trade scenario nor in the import substitution scenario. The Philippine layer duck is not seen as competitive in the international market. Furthermore, the cost of production of layer duck in the Philippines is higher compared to other countries.
Andal, E. G., LapiƱa, G. F., Manalo, N. Q., Dorado, R. A. Valientes, R. M., & Cruz, M. B. (2017). ASEAN Economic Community: Opportunities and Challenges for the Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry Sectors. Los BaƱos, Laguna, Philippines: Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development – (Project Report)