The manual āHatchery Production of Single Spats Slipper-shaped Oyster Crassostrea iredaleiā is one of the major outputs of the National Oyster R&D Program under the projects, “Broodstock Management and Conditioning for the Oyster, Crassostrea iredalei to Maximize Production” and “Refinement of the Larval, Post Larval, and Nursery Rearing Techniques for Crassostrea iredalei,” funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and DOST-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (PCAARRD).

The developed hatchery production technology for single spat oyster can generate income per crop (3-month culture) of P 413,472.92, if spat are sold at P300 per 1000 spats with a return on investment of 26.03%, 0.91 year payback period and at break-even price of P94.80 per 1,000 spat. This technique was adopted by the Arton Farm and Hatchery in Mindoro and Asin Oyster Hatchery in Batangas.