A previous study developed a protein-based detection kit for identifying true-to-type Philippine āCarabaoā mango using antiserum generated from protein markers. This kit was able to discriminate the carabao varieties from the non-carabao types. However, before this technology is brought to the users, this dipstick should be validated. This proposed project will pilot test and validate this developed technology specifically for commercial mango nurseries and germplasm collection to evaluate sensitivity and effectivity of the designed kit in discriminating true-to-type āCarabaoā variety. Since this kit is based on polyclonal antibodies, its specificity can only be known and ascertained if tested on many trees, including non-āCarabaoā mangoes. The success of this technology will help ensure the dispersal of quality planting materials of Philippine Carabao Mango for sustained production of fresh fruits and quality raw materials for processing for the local and export market.