This project is a spin-off of the previous project titled “Development of depuration and relaying techniques for Philippine green mussels”. Depuration and relaying are effective techniques to reduce or eliminate bacterial contamination in mussels. Prolonging the depuration of shellfish may be necessary when the contaminants in the natural culture environment of shellfish were too high and require more than 48- or 72-hour depuration period in reducing the bacterial load to reach the minimum microbiological standard specifications. This project used allowable food additives and enrichment agents in improving these attributes while maintaining the safety levels of the product.
The effects of sucrose and starch on improving the texture and flavor quality and acceptability of mussels, oysters, and marine clams during prolonged depuration of 96 hours were determined. Different concentrations of sucrose (150, 200, 250ppm) and starch (100, 150, 200ppm) were incorporated in the depuration set up (closed system). The findings of the study indicate that the addition of sucrose and starch in higher concentrations of 200-250ppm and 150-200ppm respectively has slightly improved the texture and flavor qualities of mussel, oyster and marine clam. The costs of prolonged depuration with sucrose and starch as agents for improving the quality and acceptability are negligible considering that the major consideration is to reduce or eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the shellfish.